Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (2024)

Location and Meaning

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (1)Marriage line (also relationship line or affection line) mainly reflects the situation of your marriage life, love relationship, marriage time as well as your attitude towards love. It is located below the base of the little finger just above the heart line. The number of the marriage line differs with different people. Some people have only one line and some may have multiple lines. Also some may find there is no marriage line for them. The longest line is usually used as a basis for judgment.

The length, shape, forks, islands, chains and numbers of the line reveals different meanings for your marriage life. Follow the analysis below to find out what your marriage line stands for. Please don't be upset if you find the line is not ideal. The line usually changes with the more you experience. No matter what kind of line you have, a sound marriage needs you to manage carefully.


Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (2)
Fig 2

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (3)
Fig 1

Straight Long

A straight long marriage line indicates deep and long love. It shows you are passionate, gentle and usually have a happy family. If you only have one marriage line which is deep and long, close to or touch the Sun line, it shows you could not only enjoy a happy marriage but also achieve great success in career after marriage. (Fig 1)


If your marriage line is short, it indicates passionless to the opposite sex. If it's also shallow, you usually lack the patience to pursue the opposite sex and hard to fall deep when fall in love. In most times, if you own this kind of line, you are likely to get married lately. (Fig 2)


Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (4)
Fig 4

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (5)
Fig 3

Curving Downwards

If your marriage line goes downwards at the end (Fig 3), it's not a good sign. It predicts your partner will die earlier than you. If it curves downwards suddenly, your partner may suffer from accidental death. Another situation is that it curves downwards and touches the heart line. This indicates marriage crises and personality clashes with your partner. So, a separation or divorce may be happened.

Curving Upwards

If the line curves upwards at the end (Fig 4), it indicates constant in love and a settled marriage life. You usually don't have worries about your finance and can lead a rich life with your partner. Also, you could coordinate each other well thus enjoy a happy marriage. The more risen your marriage line, the happier you are.


Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (6)
Fig 6

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (7)
Fig 5

● If the line is forked at the beginning with a shape of "Y", it's not a good sign. It indicates split-up or divorce. If the fork is not big, the situation is not so bad as it only stands for breaking up for some period of time. So, to some extent, it also means re-union after separation.(Fig 5)

●If the line has split ends, it indicates marriage crises and separation. You may spend the whole life in confusion. You may also suffer from indigestion. In addition, fortune for your career is usually not satisfied before 55 years old. (Fig 6)


The broken marriage line shows you are easy to meet setbacks in love or marriage. The serious situation is that you have many quarrels with your partner and end in divorce. The longer the broken part is, the more serious the situation is. If the break is short, that’s not too much problem. You have chance to make up finally.


Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (8)
Fig 9

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (9)
Fig 8

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (10)
Fig 7

Island indicates psychological incompatibility with your partner or family conflict.

● If an island appears at the beginning of the line, it shows you may not go smoothly in love relationship before marriage. (Fig 7)

● An island in the middle indicates twists and turns in love.(Fig 8)
●If the island appears at the end of the line, it indicated obstacles after marriage.(Fig 9)

● Many islands indicate unfavorable love relationship and marriage.

X Sign

X sign in marriage line is in auspicious in palmistry. It usually is a sign of trouble in marriage life and love issues. You are easy to have disputes, disagreements, quarrels or separation with your partner. Or, you may fall into a love triangle which makes your marriage life full of quarrels.


Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (11)

Grilles means that there are great ups and downs during your marriage life. You might have much abnormal sexuality. The singles having this kind of marriage line is hard to find a good partner and the married are easy to break up during the middle age.

Overlapping of Lines

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (12)
If you have multi disordered overlapping lines with different lengths, it shows you couldn't have an ideal love relationship or marriage. It's hard to meet a good lover and easy to spend the whole life without marriage. If you are married, it indicates your partner is usually interfered by the third party. Especially after the middle age, the life will be very hard for you. During your later year, you are easy to suffer hypertension or diabetes.

Short Line Above or Below

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (13)

If there are short lines above or below the marriage line, it indicates many quarrels, hard love relationship and a stubborn character of you. You are also easy to get sick.

Waved or Chained

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (14)
Fig 11

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (15)
Fig 10

If your marriage line is waved (Fig 10) or chained (Fig 11), you are easy to encounter villains and suffer emotional or marriage crises. You are usually stubborn, heartless and not nostalgia which cause you to separate even divorce after marriage. It's hard for you to get great achievement during your life.

Meanings of the Numbers of Lines

No Marriage Lines

If you don’t have marriage line, it means that you have no desire to love. You are not interested in or couldn’t be attracted by the opposite sex. You usually don't pay much attention on marriage and may be sexless. Instead, you like to focus more on your hobbies or career. If you are younger than 20, you may don’t have a marriage line. As you grow older and contact more with opposite sex, the marriage line may appear. If you already married and don’t have the line, the most case is that you don't have interest in your partner.

Only One Marriage Line

If you have only one marriage line which is clear, you could find an ideal love to marry and live a happy life with your partner for the whole life after marriage. If the line is long without any surplus lines, it indicates a sound and lasting marriage.

More Than One Line

In general, most of the people have marriage lines more than one. It's not accurate to think one will have how many times of marriage according to the numbers of the line.

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (16)
Fig 14

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (17)
Fig 13

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (18)
Fig 12

Two Marriage Lines

Some people explain that two marriage lines means one have two marriages. In fact, it's not right. Most of the people have two lines. As long as the lines are deep, clear with the red color, the people could still have a sound marriage.

● If you have two marriage lines running parallel with the same length, it indicates a tortuous marriage.Also, people who separate with his/her partner for a long time and reuniteusuallyhave this kind of marriage line. (Fig 12)

● If the two lines running parallel with different lengths, you are easy to fall into love-triangle situations. (Fig 13)

● If the two lines (one short and the other long) are not parallel, it indicates divorce or separation. (Fig 14)

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (19)
Fig 16

Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (20)
Fig 15

Three Marriage Lines

Three lines mean mixed emotions and a weak concept of chastity. If you have three marriage lines, you may have a poor conception of life. You are usually talented, romantic and passionate to the opposite sex. If you couldn't utilize your wisdom, there would be troubles in love life. (Fig 15)

Four Lines

If you have four long and thin marriage lines, it shows you have a romantic character. You usually are not satisfied with an uneventful life. So, you are prone to have many love affairs. (Fig 16)

If there are over six marriage lines and there is no one can be regarded as a major one, it shows a complex marriage life. If the lines are long, it indicates a harsh term to select the marriage partner. You usually have a high requirement for your love and have a great pressure in life.

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Lastest Questions and Answers

Marriage Line (1 Reply )Asked by A***n

I can't find any marriage lines that are similar to my palm. My line palm on the right hand is forked at the beginning, which is not Y but V, and there's another line, that's X which is connected with the V.

Is my marriage possible to my boyfriend? (0 Reply )Asked by S***h

Boy: harsh*t tiwari, dob 26/10/1998 In boy right hand there is no marriage line and in left hand one marrige line between the heart line and little finger Girl:shreya singh dob 15/08/1998 In girl right hand there are two marriage line one is near little finger and one is near heart line and in left hand there are four line two line near heart line are downward but not touching third one near index finger are broken and fourth last one closest to littile finger is forked in starting Can you tell me is it possible to marry my boyfriend

my marriage line is forked, curved make an eye and crossing make a X sign :( (1 Reply )Asked by A***n

my marriage line is forked (first line is curved downwards and the second line is curved upwards) these two lines are meet each other and then, make an eye shape, also at the end of these two lines crossing make X sign. I hope you can help me to explain that because I'm so confusing rn :(

What do our marriage lines mean? Will we be able to be together forever irl? (1 Reply )Asked by P***P

Boy : On my left hand, I have only one deep marriage line that slightly curves down towards the heart line(the start of the line is a bit short but straight and the end curves down slightly, seems a bit long and slight curve) in the middle between little finger and heart line. On my right hand, I have only one deep marriage line that is a little above the middle of the point between little finger and heart line. That marriage line comes out straight but health line is connected to it in its middle. So it seems like ending in a fork that the upper branch of the fork is straight and the lower branch is the curved health line. Girl : I have one marriage line on my left hand that is straight but a small fragrant overlaps right above it. The line is in the middle between little finger and heart line. On my right hand, there are three marriage lines, one near the heart line that is short. In the middle between little finger and heart line, there is a long marriage line, quite deep, that forks in its middle(but a little faint in that forking area) and the upper branch of the fork goes straight and deep again and the end of that upper branch seems to fork again or forming an incomplete island that doesn’t touch in all ends like an oval or circle. And the uppermost marriage line is near the base of little finger and it’s deep, and it’s parallel to the middle marriage line. Seems to have the same length as middle line or maybe only slightly shorter than the upper branch(that goes straight quite long) of the fork of the middle line. The uppermost line is quite deep throughout its whole length and straight but near its end, it gives off a fade branch that inclines 45degrees upwards. Between the middle and uppermost line, there’s a fade line(more like a fade fragrament like the fragrament in my left hand). All the marriage lines in my right hand are interconnected with one another via loops between the lines or via upward branches of the lower lines that touches the lower branches of the upper lines. What do our hands mean? About us - He is 23. I’m 19. We are in long distance, we met online and we are from different countries. We are planning to get together in real life in 6 or 7 years cuz I haven’t graduated yet rn. My family is quite reluctant to send me abroad and they are worried that I might settle abroad. Our families haven’t known about our relationship yet. -WHAT OBSTACLES DO WE HAVE TO FACE AND OVERCOME? -WILL WE BE ABLE TO OVERCOME OBSTACLES AND GET REALLY TOGETHER IN REAL LIFE? -WILL I GET MARRIED TO HIM IN REAL LIFE? CAN WE MAKE US TOGETHER FOREVER IN REAL LIFE DESPITE OBSTACLES? -IF SO, IF WE WILL BE ABLE TO MAKE US TOGETHER, WHEN WILL I GET MARRIED TO HIM IN REAL LIFE? AT WHAT AGE WILL WE GET TOGETHER FOREVER IN REAL LIFE? It’s ok even if we have to spend some time in separation but will we be together forever in real life? Will we be able to despite any challenges? Thank you so much for ur time 😊

Will we be able to be together forever? (1 Reply )Asked by P***P

In his palm, there’s only one prominent marriage line that is far from heart line& goes to the half of his little finger & in the middle,it starts to fork &the top of the fork goes straight &at its end seems to have a small island. The bottom of the fork curves down a little bit & on average look,it seems to combine with the health line crossing the heart line down to the head line. So on average look,it seems like the bottom of the little fork curves down to the heart line&crosses heart line & down a little further to the above of the head line. But on close look,I realise the bottom of the fork is faint &curves down just a little bit & doesn’t even touch health line or heart line. In my palm, I can see two marriage lines that go to only 1/4of the little finger. The lower line is far from heart line, a bit thinner but slightly longer & forks in the middle &the bottom of the fork is faint. The top of the fork goes straight & seems to have a small island at the end. The upper line is a bit close to the base of little finger & seems a bit thicker,slightly shorter,& on average look,seems to have no fork. But when closely looked,it has a tiny fork in the end,the bottom of the fork goes straight & the faint top of the fork curves up towards the little finger. The lower & upper lines I said r parallel &not quite different in length,only a slight difference. &below the lower line & heart line,there r small very short faint lines.& between that lower&upper line I said,there’s a very slight short faint line that appeared recently. As for dates of birth, Male : 23.11.1998(Sydney,Australia,time around 1pm afternoon,doesn’t know exact time) Female : 11.9.2002(Yangon,Myanmar,10:05am morning) Right now,we live in different countries & r far apart. I’m living in Myanmar right now& my parents will probably send me to UK once I graduate. I m trying to move to Aussie for him but it’s gonna take long for me to move there. Can take up to 6-15years to get to Aussie. What do our palms mean? R we compatible? & I really wanna know if we will be able to get together even if there r difficulties. Will we have arranged marriage by our parents? Or will we be able to get married through our free love & have a life together? He is turning 23 this year & I m turning 19 this year. If we really r destined& can get married in the future& have a life together, when r we supposed to meet in real life & probably at what age are we gonna get married to each other? Thanks lots!!!!! I really wanna know those questions & thanks lots for answering &helping me! If what I mentioned about palm is not accurate & if you’d want a photo of our hands, I can send from mailbox. Pls tell me ur email(where to contact to know more). Thanks a lot a lot for ur time,Sir/Madaam 😊

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Marriage Line Palm Reading Guide- Chinese Palmistry (2024)
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