The First Bloom - LitaCakes - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)

Being the only non-secondary gender presented professional hero was a bit of a struggle for Izuku Midoriya. He was, however, still at the top of the charts after graduation, along with most of his class. Thankfully, society saw the uniqueness of his life as just a regular human with no pheromones and no scent glands. They even praised him for being a great hero since he couldn’t be affected by anything related to secondary gender. He couldn’t be manipulated by Orders, or distracted by heat or rut. He was above it all, and venerated in some way.

Izuku hated it. He felt like a freak. All his life he was blind, deaf, and dumb to the language and culture that everyone else in the world lived in. He was alone. Well, that’s what he believed, anyway. But he still had his friends.

Katsuki Bakugo, his best friend, and hero partner, was always there for him. They grew up together, and Katsuki had done his best to keep Izuku hopeful that one day he might develop a secondary gender. Izuku had given up on that idea. He’d also mostly given up on the idea of ever becoming Katsuki’s mate. Izuku loved Katsuki, he always had. But without a secondary gender, he couldn’t be mated, he couldn’t even provide children like an omega could, regardless of primary gender.

Working together made it harder for him, but over the last two years since graduation, he’d all but accepted that Katsuki would one day find himself a proper mate.

The only holdout was Katsuki himself.

“Really, Kacchan, you’ve made bachelor of the year two years in a row. Everyone wants to know when you’ll take a mate. It’s time.”

“Shut up, Nerd. You know I’m better alone. I don’t need a damn mate.”

Izuku sighed. They were in Izuku’s kitchen on a Saturday morning, arguing like they did every couple weeks. They’d crashed here last night after a twelve hour patrol shift, Katsuki had slept on the couch as usual. Izuku had often wanted to ask him to come to bed, but that wasn’t appropriate, was it? Not with Izuku being just his friend, his hero partner. Katsuki had never once shown any signs that he felt the way Izuku felt. Well, not that Izuku had noticed.

Izuku wanted his best friend to be happy. He wanted Katsuki to have a family and a loving omega for his lonely Alpha self.

Katsuki was making katsudon, like he always did when he stayed over. This was how he paid Izuku back for letting him crash on the couch. Izuku’s apartment was much closer than Katsuki’s and since they grew up together, they knew each other’s needs, quirks, likes and dislikes. It made bunking in the same apartment pretty easy. But they were best friends, and they grew up together, of course they knew everything about each other.

“You want tea or soda?” Katsuki finally asked.

“Water, please.”

Katsuki grunted a reply. Something tickled Izuku’s nose and he sneezed suddenly, it was…spicy? Weird, Katsuki didn’t usually spice his katsudon when making it for Izuku.

“Bless you…allergies, Nerd?”

“No..sorry, I think I just caught the spice on your katsudon.”

“Probably.” Katsuki sniffed himself with an odd look on his face. Izuku didn’t ask what that was about.

They both ate at the kitchen counter in a relaxing silence, like the average Saturday morning when they had the day off. They watched the sun rise into the windows and enjoyed each other’s company.

Except, today, something was different. Izuku’s spine was itchy. Itchy in a way he’d never felt before. That spicy, sort of chocolatey smell wouldn’t leave his nose. It might not be making him sneeze repeatedly, but it wasn’t leaving. His shoulders were getting sore for no reason, as if he’d taken a bad fall on the pavement on patrol, but they hadn’t run into any villains on yesterday’s patrol, just a few low level thugs.

When they finished eating, Katsuki cleaned up and Izuku mumbled that he was taking a shower, that he was sore from that gut punch he took yesterday. Katsuki looked him over with concern, but ultimately didn’t stop him.

He turned the shower as hot as it would go, and while that would normally send a shiver of relief down his spine, today something else burned through Izuku’s veins from contact with the shower water. He clutched his mouth to gag the egregious moan that tried to spill over his lips. Waves of pleasure rolled down his back like goosebumps, enough to make his dick stand up in seconds.

“What the hell?” Izuku gasped, his voice more whining than he’d ever intended.

He leaned one hand on the shower wall, the other roaming across his own back to try and figure out what the hell was making him feel like this. What he found startled him. There were bumps on his back. Bumps and…no, just over his shoulder, there was something poking through his skin. Was that…petals?

Izuku covered his mouth with both hands and sank into a crouch. Once a month, during heat, omegas will bloom beautiful flowers on their backs that produce additional pheromones to initiate mating and also produce the hormones needed for reproduction. These flowers lived for only a few days to a week during an omega’s heat. Alphas, during rut, would grow matching vines and leaves that sprouted from their hands and arms. The two would entangle themselves during mating, which formed the last half of the hormones an omega would need for reproduction. Without an Alpha to deposit their vines and pollen into an omega’s flower, there would be no completed mating or reproduction.

This nature was a double edged sword. It was easy to get away with unprotected sex now, at least among Alphas and omegas. Betas could still reproduce normally. But, it also meant that the birth rates had dropped a bit since the onset of secondary genders some decades ago. All of this struck Izuku at once when he realized that he was half of the number one hero duo, and he was suddenly presenting as an omega while his other half was still in the damn apartment.

Something crashed in the kitchen, making Izuku yelp as he jumped back to his feet.

“Kacchan?!” Izuku choked the word out, his voice wavering and weak. He shook his head and tried to focus. Shower off, towel around his waist. Out of the shower. Door-...f*ck. His back. Izuku grabbed another towel and wrapped it around his shoulders before opening the door.

He was suddenly struck with a wave of pheromones like he’d never in his life smelled before. The scent was rich, spicy, with only the hint of burnt caramel. The scent drove him to his knees. Izuku’s body responded on instinct, without thought. His legs crossed and his hand stuffed itself over the towel at his front, trying to hide the erection already stiffening between his legs for a second time. The towel around his back flew backwards with the sudden force of his bloom bursting from his spine. Leaves, petals, and pollen drifted around him in a flurry of forestry scents that must have been his own pheromones.

This couldn’t be possible. There was no way he was presenting omega on a random f*cking Saturday when the man he loved, the Alpha he wanted for himself, was in the kitchen cleaning up after breakfast. Wait, where was Katsuki?

Izuku finally forced his eyes open, finding the blonde hero with both hands clutching the couch in the living room, not twenty feet from him, staring him down like he was edible. What was more notable than Katsuki’s look were the vines and leaves snaking around his arms and across the back of his hands.

“Kach-...Kacchan?” Izuku swallowed hard. He could feel sweat breaking across the back of his neck. “Wha…fff, what’s happening to me?” What a stupid question. He knew exactly what was happening. He knew, but he couldn’t bear to admit it to himself, let alone his best friend.

Izuku grabbed the bathroom door frame to lift himself up, which only caused more pollen and petals to flutter down from the bloom weighing heavy on his spine. That sent another wave of pleasure directly to the core of his pelvis.

Katsuki moved. He stood up and stalked towards Izuku with hungry eyes. Izuku couldn’t think straight. The only thing he wanted was Katsuki, and he knew that with every fiber of his being. He wanted Katsuki to touch him, to touch his flower, to take him as his mate. But instead of running to the man he wanted more than anything, Izuku stumbled back into the bathroom and slammed the door in Katsuki’s face, flipping the lock in the process.

Izuku landed on the floor with his legs splayed out beside him and his hands over his mouth yet again, trying to stop the sobs that were hiccuping out of his chest in quick succession. What a strange emotion, to be hungry for sex while also horrified at possibly making your best friend go into an early rut. Because that had to be it, right? Izuku knew Katsuki’s schedule, because it interfered with their job, so he knew Katsuki wasn’t due for his rut for another two weeks.

But seeing him like that-

“Izuku.” Katsuki’s breathless voice came through the door. He didn’t knock, or bang, or try the handle. The blonde’s voice was soft, but needy. “Izuku’re presenting. It’s your first heat. Fff-” Izuku heard what must have been Katsuki’s head thumping against the door. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you like that. I must have looked like a monster. I’m so sorry. You don’t need to open the door, but please tell me you’re okay.”


Katsuki was…sorry? But it wasn’t his fault. Izuku had presented, he had made the poor Alpha go into rut two weeks early. This was Izuku’s fault.

“Izuku, please tell me you’re okay. First heat can be very dangerous, and your bloom opened violently, are you bleeding? Please talk to me. You don’t need to open the door, just tell me you’re okay.”

Bleeding? Izuku looked around, then down at himself. Oh, the towel around his waist was a bit red around the top edge. He must have been bleeding, but the shock of the moment had dulled the pain. In all reality, it had likely just added to the pleasure spiraling around Izuku’s body.

“Izuku, please speak to me. If you don’t answer, I’m going to call emergency services.”

“I’m fine.” Izuku choked out the words. He cleared his throat to try and speak better. “I’m okay. I just…I think I-” He swallowed hard. “I think I’m just…shocked? Everything is so loud, so much, I don’t know what to feel first.”

“sh*t.” Katsuki cursed. “Izuku, do you want me to go get you something for your heat?”

There were emergency blockers that could cut off a heat or rut early. It wasn’t considered best practice to use them regularly since they could throw off the natural cycles of the body and damage one’s ability to reproduce or even have a healthy heat or rut later on. Without a healthy cycle, the body could suffer all kinds of consequences. Izuku shook his head, then realized there was a door between them.

“I’m okay. This is my first…first cycle. I shouldn’t use blockers.”

“Yeah but- Izuku we have work tomorrow. It’s going to be a little hard to- you can’t go on patrol like this.”

No, he couldn’t. Everyone got at least a few days off for their cycle, it was just how things worked. Unfortunately, the schedules would be all kinds of messed up now that Katsuk’s rut schedule was changed…and Izuku was now presented as omega. This was just…messy.

“Kacchan…how do I…” He fumbled over his words for a few moments. “How do I make this stop?”

There was a long moment of silence from the door, then a heavy sigh.

“I don’t need to tell you there’s only two ways to end a heat or rut early.”

No, he didn’t. Izuku might never have presented (until now), but he’d studied everything possible on the secondary genders in order to make sure he was prepared for anything that might happen on patrol, or anything that might happen should he actually present.

“Okay.” Izuku stood himself up carefully in order to release as little pollen as possible. “Okay…so I don’t want to use blockers. Then there’s only one way. But I can’t ask that of you, Kacchan. I can’t. That’s not fair. I’d be taking advantage of you.”

Katsuki chuckled softly. “And I thought it was the other way around. Christ, Izuku. Are you really that blind?”

Blind? What did that mean? Izuku marched to the bathroom door with a sudden rush of confidence. Katsuki did make light jests on the average day but that wasn’t a joke or teasing. He was asking with an almost nostalgic or gentle tone. Katuski never spoke like that.

Izuku flipped the lock and swung the door open. The blonde stumbled backwards, eyes wide and mouth agape. Izuku wasn’t sure he merited that kind of shock, at least not until he caught sight of himself in the hall mirror.

He looked like usual, all six foot two inches of himself, except for the giant flower blooming on his back. Over his shoulders and around his sides he could see it. The petals were surrounded by bright green leaves closest to his shoulders and sides, but beyond that, his whole back was covered in blooming pale green hydrangeas. Along the sides, and even over his shoulders, hung white lily of the valley bells drooping like adornments or accessories to his bloom. Izuku had never seen anything like it.

An omega’s bloom was usually a tulip, or begonia, or even a petunia. There weren’t that many types of flowers, but the colors were what made them original. The colors and the way they hung on the back were usually distinct to the omega. But Izuku’s flower was…unique, one of a kind. He turned slightly, just to get a look at the beautiful thing growing out of his spine, only to be shocked by the way the flower moved. It bounced with life and vitality, as if it were fresh from the garden. The lily bells draped over several parts of the hydrangeas as well, leaving him with a bouquet of greens and whites that matched his pale skin and dark green curls.

“You’re beautiful.” Katsuki gasped. He had one hand reaching out for Izuku but he stopped a few inches away. The blonde hero was almost too scared to come any closer. “I-...Izuku.”

“Y-yeah?” He stuttered.

“You can’t have been blind to it all these years. You can’t. You have to know how I-” He looked away for a moment and took a deep breath. “How I feel.”

“How you feel? What do you mean how you feel? Kacchan, we both know you’ve never wanted a mate, or even a lover. It’s perfectly fine. You don’t need to try and comfort me because I’m having my first heat.”

“This isn’t-!” Katsuki cut himself off. His hands fisted at his sides, clenching around the vines still twisted on his hands and arms. He was shaking. “I didn’t want a mate because the only mate I ever wanted…couldn’t be mated. God, Izuku, you’re so stupid. You never saw it? You never saw that I only ever wanted you?”

Izuku grabbed the door frame again.

You never saw that I only ever wanted you?

Those words repeated like a prayer in his mind at least six times before he could actually form a coherent thought. When he did, all he could think of was how could he have been so damn idiotic? He’d loved Katsuki all his life, and he’d never made any attempt to turn their relationship romantic because Izuku lacked a secondary gender. They couldn’t mate, and it would be a scandal for two heroes like them to be together.

Not because they were partners, there were hero duos in the past that were married. It was because their secondary genders differ so much. Katsuki would have been ridiculed for having a beta, and he’d certainly be outcast for even attempting an Alpha Alpha relationship - which is what Izuku believed would be the only fitting situation for Katsuki unless he found an omega to suit him. It would be even worse if he took a partner that didn’t even have a secondary gender, and Izuku did not want that kind of cruelty from the world on Katsuki’s shoulders.

Izuku also just didn’t want to be an omega. He didn’t want to be seen as less than everyone else. Omegas weren’t necessarily weak, but they were seen as the softer gender, in need of protection, usually. While omegas were allowed in heroics, they were more often than not relegated to sidekicks, rather than formal heroes.

“Izuku?” Katsuki took a step forward. They were both breathing erratically, clearly starving for physical touch, and not in their right minds. “Talk to me?”

“Mmm’here.” Izuku took a step forward as well. He wanted to touch Katsiki, to hug him, hold him. This was the man he loved, the man he’d been praying to be with all his life. “I’m here, Kacchan. Please don’t leave me.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Katsuki must have found his confidence, he closed the gap between them. The blonde’s hands were suddenly cupping Izuku’s face and pulling him closer. “I’m not leaving you, Izuku.”

He leaned into his best friend’s hands and clutched them around his face. They were so warm, and the vines smelled like heated caramel on a cold winter night. It was just what he needed. The flower on his back flared somehow wider, reacting to the touch and scent of the one his body had already decided was his mate.

He was home.

Izuku was home.

Katsuki pressed their cheeks together, resisting the urge Izuku knew he felt; the desire to kiss, to touch, to be together as one. Izuku was struggling to hold himself back, too. But why were they holding back? Katsuki had already declared his feelings, his desire to have Izuku as his own. So why wasn’t he-


“Hmm?” Katsuki nuzzled his face, their eyes still closed, the blonde’s soft scent of caramel mixing with the foresty mint scent wafting off Izuku’s body. The room was heavy with it, making Izuku’s knees weak and his mind foggy.

“I accepted that I would never present. I accepted that I couldn't have you.” Katsuki pulled their faces apart, his eyes blazing red and orange, hungry but curious. Izuku brushed the back of his hand along his partner’s cheek and down his neck, Katsuki shivered. “I’ve only ever wanted you.” Finding another ounce of confidence in his bones, Izuku went up on his tip toes and kissed the edge of his partner’s mouth. “Please.” He whispered. “Please accept me as your mate.

No more words needed to be said. Izuku knew now that he would never be denied his beloved, his Kacchan. He knew Katsuki had eyes for no one else but him. He knew his Alpha would accept him.

Katsuki picked Izuku up carefully, placing kisses along the edge of the petals that draped over his shoulders in the process. Izuku whimpered. He could feel that! The new sensation was making it hard to focus. The blonde carried him to Izuku’s bedroom and left the door open. Instead of throwing Izuku on the bed, he sat himself down and put Izuku’s legs around him, straddling him on the edge of the bed. Their foreheads met and Izuku shut out the rest of the world with a curtain of his long wet curls around their faces.

Katsuki’s hands slowly snaked their way around his sides, making him shiver as those vines lightly scratched his ribs. Both hands sunk into the foliage and petals behind him, making Izuku positively cry out in ecstasy. Every piece of floral on his back was shivering from the intrusion of his mate’s hands, pollen and pheromones coating their legs and the floor behind him.


Katsuki kissed his neck, his teeth grabbing for those little bell flowers and tugging on them playfully. Izuku could feel his body practically collapse against his mate. But Katsuki held him upright and stable.

“You’re beautiful.” Katsuku mumbled around his skin. “You’re mine. My perfect mate. Please, please, may I?”

He was asking to make it official, to seal their fates and intertwine their lives forever. Izuku had never said “Yes!” so fast in his life.

Katsuki’s hands finally sunk into the depths of the flower at Izuku’s back. His whole body arched backwards, his chest colliding with Katsuki’s as he tried to lean himself farther into the vines that were starting to intertwine themselves in the core of his flower. Izuku shifted his legs so he wasn’t just straddling Katsuki, but his legs were wrapped around his mate’s waist. Izuku was still naked from the shower, but Katsuki was wearing a t-shirt and basketball shorts, which Izuku very much wished weren’t there.

“Kacchan…” He panted. His body was heating up, which he knew was normal, but the sensation was driving him absolutely insane. He was starving, and it wasn’t for any kind of food his kitchen could offer. “Need you…please!” His voice fell into a needy whine that might have made him embarrassed had anyone else been in the room with them. Katsuki kissed his cheek and mumbled in his ear.

“Push my pants down, baby. You can do it. Take what you need from me, anything, everything.”

He leaned back against the pile of pillows on Izuku’s bed. Katsuki’s hands were still buried in his flower, and Izuku knew there was no way to remove them until their mating was complete. With Katsuki leaned back, Izuku could put his hands between them and shove Katsuki’s shorts and boxers down just enough that his already stiff co*ck flopped out against his stomach. Izuku’s mouth was watering, but the sudden realization that this was as far as he’d ever been with another person made his body sort of freeze up.

“‘Zu?” Katsuki felt the change, his eyes snapping open and the vines stopping their progression inside his flower. “What’s wrong? Talk to me.”

“I’ve never-” Izuku cleared his throat. “Kacchan, I’m…I’m a virgin.”

Katsuki’s head fell against his shoulder as if a wave of relief washed over him.

“I thought…nevermind. It’s okay.” He kissed Izuku’s cheek. “Do you want this? We can stop if you’re not ready…it just might take…time to uhh- pull my hands out.”

“No no.” Izuku wrapped his hands around Katsuki’s face, pulling him up so they could share a quick kiss. “I want this. I’m just nervous.” He twitched when Katsuki’s hands moved behind him, sending another wave of pleasure across his body. “I mean, I know how this works, you know, by the book. But I haven’t actually done this before and I think I’m just-”

Katsuki crushed their lips together. Izuku’s eyes fluttered closed as a muffled moan bubbled between their mouths. Katsuki was chuckling against him.

“Your nerves are showing, Dumbass.”

Izuku laughed, his head slipping to Katsuki’s shoulder. The blonde nuzzled their faces again as the vines around his fingers started their prodding again. Izuku’s body slid forward, crushing both their erections against their stomachs. Katsuki shivered and bit back a moan.

“Shi-...sorry, Kacchan.”

“No.” Katsuki kissed his cheek. “That felt good. Do it again. Please. Slow as you want. Take your time. Going at your pace, okay?”

Izuku nodded. His pace. Okay, he could do that. He could do this. He wanted this, that much was very obvious. Taking a deep breath, Izuku slid his hips forward again so he could grind their dicks together. Katsuki was squirming beneath him, his hands still tangled in the flower on his back. Izuku gasped when those vines finally found the very core of the flower and latched onto it, coiling around the pistils hidden beneath the beautiful petals to deposit pollen and prepare Izuku for mating.

Izuku cupped a hand over his mouth to hide the strangled whimper he let out when something wet started dribbling down his thighs. It took a few moments to realize what it was; slick. A blush carpet across his face, embarrassment swelling in his gut as he made a bit of a mess on their laps.

“Hey, look at me.” Katsuki tilted his head to meet Izuku’s eyes. “That’s normal. You’re doing great.”

Izuku smiled, the blush still evident on his face. He was struggling to find confidence when he had never in his life gone this far with another person. But Katsuki’s reassurance was a good push for him to find that boldness in his bones that he needed, and wanted. Shifting his weight back to his knees, Izuku fit his hands between them so he could line Katsuki’s dick up to his ass.

“Izuku- ngh, sh*t, you haven’t even prepped yourself. Be careful.” Katsuki couldn't exactly help right now with his hands trapped in the flower.

Izuku nodded his understanding and carefully lowered himself. He stopped when the head of his partner’s shaft made contact and started to open him. Izuku could feel the stretch starting, and took a few deep breaths to relax himself into the sensation.

“There you go.” Katsuki praised with a kiss on his temple. “Just like that. So proud of you, my omega.”

Izuku let himself slip lower, finding the stretch not as dramatic as he might have first thought. It certainly wasn’t like when he masturbat*d and had to prep himself. Was this part of being an omega? His body was easily accepting his Alpha as if his dick was simply meant to be there, slotted right between his ass cheeks. Izuku’s knees were still weak from the heavy pheromones in the air, so he did the only logical thing that came to mind; he let his body fall right into his mate’s lap.

Katsuki gasped, his body jerking upright from his lounged position, his hands tightening around the petals at Izuku’s back. Izuku let out a choked off moan when both Katsuki’s vines and his dick were seated deep within him.

“Kacch- hah…oh god.”

Izuku grabbed the back of Katsuki’s head, pulling him into a heated kiss. His mate was more than happy to finally help Izuku. Now that he was sheathed in Izuku’s ass, his hips started to roll on the bed, thrusting himself into Izuku slowly as they made out. The mating dance of Izuku’s pistil and Katsuki’s stamen was secondary to the feeling of that swelling co*ck filling him up but both were sending Izuku quickly over a ledge he didn’t realize he was standing on.

“You’re perfect.” Katsuki bit his lip. “My omega, you’re perfect.” His mouth moved to Izuku’s neck, licking a stripe across the very crook of his neck. “Jsss- f*ck.” His breath caught in his chest for a moment. “Izuku, I- I’m close…sh*t, we didn’t- we didn’t talk about…”

“It’s okay.”

Izuku grabbed Katsuki’s face again. At the same time, he picked his hips up and rutted himself back down into his mate’s lap. He wanted to feel everything Katsuki had to offer, even if there were risks. Neither of them were on blockers or birth control, and with their florals intertwined, there was a very high chance Izuku could get pregnant, even on his very first heat. But he didn’t care.

“I don’t want to stop.” He croaked out through gasping breaths. “My Alpha, my mate…please, please…” His pleading trailed off into raspy mumbling as they both picked up their pace. Izuku was hugging his mate’s face against his chest with his fingers tangled into those lovely ash blonde spikes. “I want this. I want everything.”

Katsuki growled into his chest. The pace picked up and Izuku couldn’t keep up. He was almost hovering over Katsuki’s lap while his mate rutted into him from below. The flower on his back swelled, making his spine ache when it began to bloom in full. Izuku’s body was accepting his mate. Petals burst from his back, doubling in size and several fell off and covered the bed around them.


Katsuki hugged him tightly, his hips stuttering after a few more thrusts, until he finally reached that cliff of climax and fell right over it. The blonde moaned bashfully into his shoulder, as if he wanted to hide it. But Izuku loved the sound. He pulled Katsuki’s face up, bringing them together for what might be considered a kiss, if they weren’t both moaning into each other’s mouths. Warmth spread inside Izuku’s body and tingles spiraled down his spine. A burning sort of ache overtook his whole pelvic region. Izuku fell forward, caught by his mate.

“Izuku?” Katsuki coughed. “sh*t…sh*t, are you okay?”

“Mmmm, it hurts.” He groaned. “It’s good…but it- ah!”

His whole spine came alive with agonizing pins and needles. Despite this, he kept grinding his hips into his mate’s lap. The only relief he could find was the pleasure he sought between his legs.

“Your flower-” Katsuki’s hands finally untangled from his back.

“I know.” Izuku cried, his voice cracked and broken.

The flower was falling apart from the inside out. Petals and leaves fluttered to the ground as they snapped off his spine. The room and bed were quickly covered in the remains of Izuku’s first heat. When the pain finally stopped, his back was already starting to heal from the bloom, absorbing the pollen and pheromones that Katsuki had deposited during their mating.

“Kacchan…wanna feel good, please.”

“I got you, ‘Zu.”

Katsuki flipped them onto the bed, quickly hoisting Izuku’s right leg over his shoulder. Without even a moment’s rest, Katsuki bucked his hips into Izuku, his dick still hard and leaking. Izuku’s hands grabbed for the sheets to try and keep him in place at the rough pace his mate picked up. His raw and healing back was rubbing against the bed in a painful way but now it was only making his pleasure all the better. His head tipped back and Katsuki seemed more than happy to grab his neck, kissing and sucking bruises into the supple skin beneath his chin.

“Come for me, my beautiful omega. Want to feel you.” The blonde placed a hand over Izuku’s lower abdomen. It was stretched, just slightly rounded from being filled with Katsuki’s cum. “Want you to bloom again and again, only for me.”

Izuku positively screamed when Katsuki’s hands grabbed his pressurized shaft. His body easily obeyed his Alpha’s request. He clawed his mate’s shoulder in one hand, hard enough to make him bleed from the bite of his nails. A mess of white sprayed across their chests and another wave of warmth spread in his ass as Katsuki came a second time.

“f*ck-” Katsuki gasped. Izuku draped a hand across his face, his cheeks beet red and hot. “Look at you-” He kept having to cut himself off to breathe. “You’re perfect, and you’re mine. How-” Again, he gasped for breath. “How can I be this lucky?”

Izuku chuckled, barely breathing. Katsuki tried to pull his arm up just a little but Izuku whined.

“I wanna see you. Please?”

Izuku peeked out, just barely. “I’m the lucky one.”

“Yeah?” Katsuki kissed his cheek. “How so?”

“How often does an omega’s body accept their mate on their very first heat?”

“Mmmm..” Katsuki grinned. “Rarely. Is that why your bloom fell apart? I thought that only happened after the heat ended.”

“Yeah.” Izuku finally dropped his arm. They were both blushing and breathless, sweating and exhausted. Katsuki was resting his hands beside Izuku’s head but Izuku tugged his shoulder so he could lay down on Izuku’s chest. “But I’ve heard that a bloom also falls off when an omega’s body accepts its true mate, no matter what point they’re at during heat…it means they’re…that–” Izuku wriggled a little bit, uncomfortable saying it. Katsuki pushed up on his hands again.

“You think you’re– really?”

Izuku nodded. “I guess? It’s just what I’ve read. I’m clearly not an expert.”

“Oh please. You read everything about everything. If you’ve truly always wanted to be my mate, then I know you know everything there is to know about secondary genders.”

“I mean…maybe a little.” Izuku chuckled. Katsuki shook his head.

“What are we going to tell the agency?”

“Fuuuuck.” Izuku groaned. He rolled sideways enough to bury his face in a pillow. “I don’t know.” But the words were muffled against the soft fabric. Katsuki laughed openly.

“We’ll figure it out.” He brushed Izuku’s sweaty curls from his face. “I love you, my mate.”

Izuku smirked into the pillow, peeking one eye out and catching his mate’s eyes.

“I love you, too, Kacchan, Alpha.”

The First Bloom - LitaCakes - 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia (2024)
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Author: Chrissy Homenick

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Author information

Name: Chrissy Homenick

Birthday: 2001-10-22

Address: 611 Kuhn Oval, Feltonbury, NY 02783-3818

Phone: +96619177651654

Job: Mining Representative

Hobby: amateur radio, Sculling, Knife making, Gardening, Watching movies, Gunsmithing, Video gaming

Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.