The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

1: 4 1 A 3 CLASSIFIED THE SPRINGFIELD SUNDAY REPUBLICAN, SPRINGFIELD, MAY 6, 1951 CLASSIFIED 13B 2. EMPLOYMENT Male Help- -Salary PRESER, experienced. Steady work. Good Day. Apply Franklin Cleaners.

Tel. 6-5449. Set-un and Operators on Brown Sharpe Gridley Conomatia 7 Immediate Openings: 2nd Shift on VITAE Typewriter and WORK Overtime Pay Life Insurance Vacation Plan Faid Holidays Group Hospitalization Cafeteria Service Excellent Bus Schedule Apply in Person Personnel Office Royal 130 Typewriter Park Ina Avenue Hartford. Conn. Monday thru Saturday noon SELL nylon sguar.

months against runs, SELL nylon sguar. months against runs, snags. pulls. Comma. House to House.

Durable, Dept. D-19, Irvington, N. J. STOCK CLERK wanted to work in tobacco wholesale. Apply Nemrow 45 Lyman Street.

SHOE SALESMAN for better grade shoes, Full time, regular work. Apply Personnel Forbeg Wallace. SPECIAL due to shortage experienced servicemen. Opening. May 10th for man Interested in sales service work.

Middleaged. preferred. Car necessary, Apply in person ouly. 1051 Main 9-13 a. m.

ORDE for day and night shifts. Apply 2 p. m. to 6 p. m.

Valley View Restaurant, State Line, ville, Conn. TRUCK DRIVER, reliable, with good refprences, steady work. E. O. Smith Sales 457 Worthington St.

TRUCKMAN WANTED Over 25. owning or ablA. to purchase and For 1 Essential Industry personally drive acceptable. trucking equipment. Year 'round long-term contract.

Subetantial earnings. State age, experience briefly. GREYVAN LINES Inc. (Affiliated with Greyhound Lines) 69 West Grand Chicago 10, Ill, TOOL MAKERS-Cutter grinders, milling machine operators turret lathe opera tors. Phone Palmer 31, Machine Tool Works, Bridge Three Rivers.

TIRE MAN experienced on heavy duty tires. See Mr. Armstrong Associated Transport. West Spfld. TRUCK DRIVER helper in warehouse to care of stock.

Reply giving age ref. Vining Borrner 181 State Box 116. Union Office. TIRE RECAPPER, good hours. Time A half for overtime.

Blue Cross Shield. General Tire 22 Taylor St. TOOL MAKERS- Cutter grinders, milling machine operators turret operatora, Phone Palmer 51, Machine Tool Works. Bridge Three Rivers. TIRE SERVICE man with truck tire experience.

Good steady job. Box 126, Office. TWO MEN to take orders on regular routes with manager. Good earnings plus weekly bonus. No experience necessary.

Or. Lawton, Rm. 211, 1362 Main St. TOOL MAKER 1st and 2d class men needed to work on 1st shift Must have exp. on Jig and Fixture work.

Apply Mitchell Machine Tool Co. 224 Hanco*ck Spfld. Tel. 3-2063. TAXI CAB DRIVERS WANTED.

DIAL 7-3730. TRUCK DRIVER -Delivery man for. bottle Palmer area. Must weigh 150 Ibs. Vacation, insurance, uniforms, etc.

Apply May 10th at 13 Central St. Palmer, Mass. WANTED NIGHT salad man, Full time See Mr. Johnson at Howard- Johnson Rest 25 Park West Spfld. WANTED--Driver for an established route Salary and commissions, day week.

All replies confidential. Write P. 0. Bol 5.51. Springfield, Mass, WANT experienced tool makers, gauge makers, grinders.

lathe hands jig boret operators. Day work, 59 hr. week. Call at Precision Tool Mfg. Co.

cornet Cherry Mechanic Westfield. WANTED--Man, between 18 and 60 years, learn theater management. Start a3 assistant, must be neat and. have at Jeast two years' high school. Apply to manager at Bijou Theatre, Springfield.

WANTED TRUCK mechanics. Charlie the Mover, 63 Orchard St. BALES. TRAINEE, age. 21-15, draft exempt.

We prefer men who are not experienced salesmen, but who desire to learn Farnings. selling with 8 nat'l organization. necessary, over; $65 week while training. Stohl, Hotel For appointment call Mr. 1 between 10 a.

m. Sheraton p. Mon. or May: 7 8. men preferred, gage maker, 1st class WANTED--Tool benefits highest wages, plus many J.

men who stay with us. for 6-6204. Hoppe Tool Works, 785 Page Blvd. Monday roof And sidewall applicators. Ask morning ready for work.

for John J. Stefanik mgr. Pauls Russo, 43-47 School West Spfid. car lot. MAN for cleaning cars on used WANTED Apply in person.

Nuger's Sales Spfld. Service. 318 Memorial Test WANTED TOOL, DIE MAKERS Must be experienced Top Wagea Ample Overtime TOOL LATHE OPERATORS FOR AD SHIFT 5 P. A. M.


2 first class auto body men. Good working cond. wages. Robinson Auto Body, 10 Fremont St. WE NFED a live adlegman that is accus comed to real money.

Drawing accouat 1 high commissions: even ff you have never 'Bold cars, you may be the man we need No Phone Calls, Please. Apply Mr. Aski moss 9pfid. Nash. 883 Main St.

YOUNG MAN to train AS dept. supervisor. Good starting salary, excellent opportunity for sound future position. Wells Laundry, 61 Franklin St. YOUNG man to train as credit assistant.

Steady good future. Warrick-Dunhill, :1216 Main St. YOUNG OR middle-aged man for large retail Auto supply atore. Super gas station exp. Very helpful.

Good pay, group insurance, Paid vacation. Profit sharing opportunity for advancement, Western Auto Stores. Corner Worthington and Chestnut St. Ask for Jim. Rundle, Mgr.

YOUNG MEN for garage work. Good good pay. Mayo 252 Belmont Ave. Tel. 6-0510.

YOUNG MAN pref. with drafting experience to learn selling assists in development of established down town store. Send resume with full particulars. Box 483, Union Office. YOUNG STAN--As station attendant Some experience.

Dan's Motor Sales 413 Main St. West Spfld. 2 MEN--To wash venetian blinds, etc. Wes son Memorial Hospital 140 High St. 1ST CLASS MECHANIC with truck experience: good working conditions; clean and sanitary shop: vacation' plan; paid holidays: insurance program And employees' benefit association including hospitalization.

Steady See Mr. International Harvester Co. 35 Memorial West Springfield, Mass. 15 MEN NEEDED AT ONCE More later QUALIFICATIONS Capable "men 40 years of age or older. Experienced in some mechanical or sales work, Must be in good health and able to furnish first class references.

High earnings opportunity. Long term agreement. Write Box 131, Union Office, giving us full information. 2 MEN wanted to close sales on company made appointments. Applicants.

must he neat appearing have a car. Sales experience not necessary. Exceptionally high income. Apply at 490 Page Blvd. Male Help--Salesmen 33 A AD MATCHES, SELL AMAZING DESIGNS! 20.

30. 40 and 240, light book matches BIGGER SPOT CASH Every prospect. Repeats, Start without men, women; full, part time. BUY NOTHING. Sales kit furn, MATCH CORP.

OF AMERICA. Dept. Chicazo 32. AN ATTRACTIVE proposition to roof side wall salesmen capable of estimating closing. deals.

See John Stefanik mgr: 9-10 West Pauls Russo. 43-47 School Spild. ADVERTISING SALESMAN Earn Sr. or more selling quality line exclusive calendars, advertiaing apecialtiex. High commission paid weekly; liberal bonus; no experience necessary.

Position with future assured right Write is F. NOW. (st'd 1899), Empire State New York. EASIEST, fastest money making deal ever. It's absolutely New patented $4.95 cash register equipment item, for all bill compartments.

You'll double and triple sell every store, office and business handling money. profit. Write CASHAND, Evanston 6, Ill. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for executive type experienced salesman. Age 40 of more to establish permanent business in this area.

Qualified applicant will place exclusive publio relations franchises with local firms In home field 01 liberal cont mission basis with well established tion-wide organization. Please phone of write Roland Burt. Hotel Kimball. GEN'1 DOUGLAS MACARTHUR Just out! Dramatic inside story and historio Congressional address. Big.

altthentic, thrill-packed, lavishly, Illustrated. America's dylamic. leader, Rig profits. Sure-fire seller. Quick! Univerani House, 1014 Arch.

Phila. GO INTO BUSINESS FOR YOURSELF Make storekeepprs' profits without storekeepers' troubles. put you Into business, furnish everything you need, train you, carry stock for. you. without your investing one penny.

We'll work with you to make you A SUCCESS. We've done it for others. We'll do it for you providing you are honest, ambitious and willing to work hard. If you are, write us. You'll hear from us at once with facts, Address Sales Manager, 'P.

O. Box. 335-H, Chippewa Falls, Wiac: MAN TO EARN $83 and up, Tong needed Invention. Advertised Colliers and Post. Free Sample outfit.

no investment. Full or part time. Exclusive territory. Write Red Comet, Dept. 918, Tittleton, Colo.

MAN WANTED for Rawleigh business. Sell to 1500 families. Write today, Rawleigh'a, Dept. MAE-42-SA. SA.

Albany. N. Y. MEN with 'exp. in.

house to house can8 hr. day. This not, home maintenance VA SRing that are afraid to put in 11 organization for opportunity to make real money is at disposal. Apply Mon. 8.30-12, 1519 Elm West 3 MEN OVER 45 Here is one of the finest opportunities In the sales field.

This 'la especially true under present day conditions, when maintenance is more Important than ever before. We. The American Asbestos Products Company, enjoy a very enviable international reputation for high quality products, and fair treatment of salesmen and customers. We boast of having the widest line of merchandise and highest grade and highest paid sales organization in our field. that has a foundation, floor, wall or roof.

Te manufacture over 100 maintenance products that are needed by every a structure Our men. many of whom have been with us for 10 years or more, work In protected territory, receiving full credit on all repeat and mail orders. Te have no house sales. We pay on A liberal advanced. commission basis-each man receiving full commission.

on each sale. as soon as it is accepted our credit department. This is an opportunity for. a lifetime connection in a business that is equally good in each of the 12 months of the year. It interested, write at once to: Department E-1 The American Asbestos Products Co.

Cleveland Ohio EMPLOYMENT Male Help -Salesmen JIAN WANTED Labor scarcity makes product special necessity All building, owners qualified prospects. Middle-aged reliable men find excellent commission plus ready market pleasantly profitable. Drawing account if desired. Write for details. Amco, Box 1766, Cleveland.

Ohio. PICK UP $3. an hour lending amazing Automatic Defrosters for old refrigerators on 10-day free trial. Free Sample Plan. Rush name.

125 W. Hubbard, Dept. CD-51. Chicago 10. ROUTE SALESMAN for established route, servicing.

chair independent grocers on standard brands and other national products. Do not apply unless you Are hustler and draft exempt. Box 485. Union Office. SALESMEN READ THIS Make this your most profitable year.

New management makes this possible. Not 8 commission job but 3. slary and commission plus bonus. This complete new setup and permits you to make large weekly earnings, Come in and find out about the only real income plan which will pay you in full for your ability. You will receive a full training in our business by our sales manager.

You must hare a car. Apply 8.30 to 10.30 a. m. and 2 to 4 P. m.

31 Park St. Springfield, Mass. SALESMAN canvasser. Salary comm. cations with Insurance benefits.

TY 4 want ambitious men who need big money will let us show them how to earn it. Call Easthampton, Brown Roofing Co. SALESMAN--needed to fill establishes territory. Age 25 to 40. No previous sales experience wanted.

No. politics involved. You can advance 8.3 far as your ability and ambition allows. Car necessary. Ter ritory-New England states.

Headquarter! -Boston. Products are nationally known and distributed hardware merchandise A golden opportunity for a hardworking man o1, woman. Must sell our line alone. Write now to Box 4687 Union Office. SALESMEN ATTENTION! Opportunity of: life time.

Nationally recognized product desires, the best salesmen. need apply. Large annua: income assured to men of ability. Tel. 3-9257 for app't.

between 12 2 p. m. SALESMEN TO act as: direct from your car to groceries, drug, hardware and variety stores. New MC plastic kitchen item. "It's Excellent profit.

Write SPRINGMEIER Box 20-D. Cincinnati 29. Ohio. SALESMAN To break into radio advertising sales work, we furnish leads. Only aggressive young men who can talk and think clearly and can follow instructions, Must have sales experience.

Call 4-7378 mornings only. SALESMAN- Full or part time for local wholesale paper, twine general merchandise co. Write full qualifications to Box 106, Union Office. TOOL STEEL SALESMAN -Progressive tool steel mill requires an energetic and competent salesman. MAN must not be, over 35 years of age.

Some travelling required. TOOL steel experience desirable but not essential. POSITION offers a good remuneration and opportunity for advancement. WRITE letter giving complete business background, religion, 4711, Union Office. WE HAVE ten sparkling new items in giftware and seek a reliable commission salesman now calling on gift and dept.

stores. Please give references and CORONADO MFG. Lindeke St. Paul 1, Minn. A Help--Male or Female 34 COUPLE TO--Work in gag gtation regtaurant.

Live. in. No children. Call sell 8074. COUNTER HELP waitresgeg wanted.

6 day. 44 hr. wk, Part time: or full time. 1200 Main St. cooks, public, private, cook-generals, housekeepers, hotel waitresses, couples, for sports center male social director.

also team and tractor man. Barton Employment Bureau, Fist. 1934, Gt. Barrington. CLERK- Exper.

not. necessary, Ap. ply to J. Shultz Bay State Drug. 419 Main St.

Palmer. EXPERIENCED help for diner wanted. Flynn's Diner, Westfield Westfield, Mass. IF YOU like to draw. sketch or paint see Talent Test ad in Instruction Column.

SALESPERSON to train for mixing selling paints. Color sense selling ability important. Apply Personnel Dept. Forbes Wallace. SHORT ORDER COOK nights.

Very fine working cond. Excellent pay good promotional possibilities. Meals, uniform a transportation home- furnished. Apply Mr. Cook Ioward: Johnson's Boston at Parker St.

SHORT ORDER cook, live in Swiss Chalet, Chester, Mass. TO SERVE take orders from our Debutante Cosmetic customers. Perm. stendy repeats. ExC.

earnings. Spare or full time. 7-7224. TURN your spare time into cash, no exp. needed, be plastic demonstrator.

Call 4-1493 Mon. eve. TELEPHONE advertising solicitora for tablished weekly newspaper (2) young ladies or men. No: exp. necessary.

proposition for right persons. Apply 18 person. 38 Hampden. St. WANTED-Couple 'to work in Worthington country home in summer, Springfield home in winter, household work, 'chauffering, ground keeping, etc.

Box 450, Union Offial 1. Male Help Instructions 35 OPPORTUNITY design work COLONIAT, SOHOOL OF TOOT, DESIGN Dwight St. Tel. 9-2534 CLASS REGINg MAY T. 1051 Veterans eligible under a.

I. BIN. Approved by Mass Dept. of Education EMPLOYMENT Male, Female Help Instructions 85 for YOU Talent like to draw, aketch or paint write IF Test (No bee). Give axe and occupation.

Box 4072. Union Office. Situations GRADUATE practical nurse available, Few days. 'Tel, Wanted 1 of day Steady. Exc.

ret. 9-1733. MAY DO some typing for Proos reading, accounting ate. NURSE rellet work Sat. a Sun.

Tel. 9-2097. VOSITION as housekeeper, in respectable Protestant, motherless home, by mother with school daughter and small dox, children, uRey no cigarets or liquor. Pastor's name and address in reply, Nos 4713, Union PRACTICAT, nurse available now. Box Union office.

PRACTICAL NURSE ur Companion avail. Excellent rot. live in or out. 2-5240 De fore p. PRACTICAL NURSE would like the care of elderly person.

Tel. 4-2730. exper. mother, desires responsible position caring for Infant, or Joung children. sleep out.

3-4187. REFINED COLORED woman Wants day work. Box 447, Union Offive. capable of handling complete set of books, pay roll records, personnel. Box 407.

I'nion Omice. TYPING or similar work to do at home. Tel. 4-3547 before 6 p. Situations Wanted--Male 37 AUDITOR part time book keeping accounts evenings or other office work.

Call 4-6561 bet. 6-7 p. m. BOY graduates in June. Wants part time work now.

full time later. CARPENTER WORK NEATLY, ECONOANIC DONE. TEL'S-1640. EXPERIENCED colored man wants office cleaning at. night.

Best of ret. Box 448 Union Office. REG. PHARMACIST. draft -exempt.

desires retail or sales position with security. 9- 1979. MULTILITH operator experienced in making negatives photostats platemaking. Also capable of assuming charge of printing dept. Bor.

462 Union Office MARRIED VETERAN -Exempt from draft. desires position in advertieing. lay out work. Also has experience in photo-engrav. ing.

Box 479 Union Office. FINANCIAL Business Opportunities AVAILABLE-At once of 2 modern service stations. Call at 107 Albany Spud. A BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU CAFE, Central, half cash. CAFE with property, LAmP, CAFE with property, $17.

CLEANING business. Profit $400 wk. DELICATESSEN. Doing $18.000 RESTAURANT. Central.

Closed eves, Sun. HEATING and appliance business. SANDWICH shop. Doing I wk. SELF service market.

Doing wk. TOURIST home, cabins. Many. Others Not Listed SHAH REALTY CO. 1618 MAIN ST.

Our long experience helps you. See A. CONFECTIONERY store. Errel. location.

Long term lease. Priced right. 4-2373. A BLEACH BUSINESS with guaranteed customer list, also 11 ton truck with insulated body. Owner drafted.

4-2373. A GOOD SIZE GARAGE Where can you find a 30c40 cement block garage lot for only $1650? Located in Liberty Heights section, on Wentworth St. For repairs only. REMEMBER WHEN BUTING OR SELLING EVERETT. LEROY TROMBLY, Realtors Tel.

Office 8-1208. 8676 8-2319 A GROCERY store. An established business carrying full line of meats, canned goods groceries. Priced right. AN EXCEPTIONAL.

SOUND BUY PACKAGE STORE. Full license. Only one in small town. With luncheonette and con5 room modern living quarters. Price infectionery.

"Both well equipped and stocked. cludes stock, fixtures and property. of lifetime. Appt. only.


Best in town. CAFE--Full liquor downtown $14,000. $14.000 gross monthly, CHICOPEE-Luncheonette, Ice cream. GAS STATION home Blue Sunoco. weekly, GOLF DRIVING RANGE -Net $2400 6 mos.

HOTEL B.AR wants partner. SPFLU'S fine cate eatery, $100.000 yrly. ROOMING HOUSE downtown section. SELP SERVICE market. $200.000 0 yearly.

TOURIST HOME CABINS- -Money maker. SMOKED MEATS. excellent distribution, ICE CREAM SIA. Sacrifice $2500, welcomed 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY Eves. AUTO SERVICE: Real 1.

Estate. Shop 30x40, office 8x10. Iubitorium 18x24. Gas, oil, accessories. Doing $650 no nites or Sun.

Long estab. $35.000. TEED AGENCY, Real Estate, 1618 Main 6-4948. A SWELL BUT AT $2300. WORTH $4600.

A well stocked variety confectionery grocery store in a busy neighhorhond ideal location will show books, excellent income. Perfect for man wife. 3-3531. ANY business buying or selling we'll help you. Shah Realty 1418 Main St.

BARBER SHOP 3 chair. Modern. Doing good business. Central location. Reason for selling leaving city, Will sacrifice.

Box 443 Union Office. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES because the owner is leaving the state. The comfortable cafe is offered. Wernick Bros. 3d Nat'l Bank Bldg.

7-1637 BEST BUY AND IOW! Be on the safe side--meat prices are way beyond the reach of any family now. Fish market fried fish store, Walk-in box. rapid fryers, steam table, etc. A real bargain, compare it. Nearby community, REMEMBER WHEN BUYING OR SELLING EVERETT LEROY.

TROMBLY. Realtors Tel. Office 8-1228. 8-2340. BEST restaurant fountain on Main Palmer.

HARVEY. 9-3992 EVES. 7-4414 BAKERY SAN to $700 weekly over counter. Chic. 292T.

CLEANING business, Profit wk. Sell or wanted partner. Box 499, Union Office. CAFE with property. Sacrifice for Fox 498, I'nion Office.

CONFECTIONARY Variety delicatessen with 2 fam. house. JIARVEY, Eves. 7-4414 CAFE. Full license.

with property. Price $30.000. Box 495, Union Office. CAFE. brick building, 8 full liquor license, Route 20.

Tel. Huntington 4011. CONFECTIONERY store for male. 152. Cambridge St.

DELICATESSEN. Doing $1800 wk. Sell reasonable, Box 49T. Union Office. DRUG STORE.

Long established. Ideal DON'T. MISS THUS location. Good income. Must sell-illness.

Will sacrifice. F. S. MARRIN 1910 MAIN STREET 9-3043 Eves. DINER' Style restaurant, steady clientele.

Income $150-200 wkly, Closed eve. Sund. Wall worth investigating. No Box 468 Union Office. EXCEPTIONALLY nice.

income, large A.ttractive home. completely renovated, large lot. 3-4872. ESTABLISHED MANUFACTURING BUSINESS Product of unusual merit, nation- dintribution. years of steady growth.

SUCCESSfully operated on the highest plane. earning consistently high. Indicating point to our becoming one of the foremost suppliers in the country will sell, or consider active partner. will atand rigid investigation. Information will bA given to Bona-Fide principles! Replles held in confidence.

de Write 10 Box 114 Union Office. EXCELLENT for middle age or pension person. Lovely variety grocery business in fine, location. ('an net an income. Only $800.

A steal. 3-3521. FACTORY FOR SALE I you want security. income. big earnings, financial future owner wish to devote attention to other business.

for complete details communicate to 115, Union Office. 4. FORCED TO SELF Owner seriously, 111. Business pays better than $100 a week Sunday or evening work. Excellent proposition.

CLOTHES CLEANING BUSINESS -Shows about $80 net each week--can be expanded. Priced at $2600.: ONE OF THE BETTER and op erating restaurants in down -town Springfield. Only intereated buyers considered. OTHER INVESTMENTS. JULIUS MELIZER 188T, Main St.

4-1104 FINANCIAL Business Opportunities FLORIDA Opportunities! "Tundreds of Jobs, businesses, farma, grovem, eto. Free details write Florida Opportunity Bulletin, Box 4074-42, Jackannville, POUR Ice cream vonya. Ready to operate. Also Brooter (re cream). 139 Hawyer Now Bedford.

Mass. Tel. FINIS TOURIST House eNt Route 20. Coma pletely equipped, 14 Modern huttia. Tea Room Facilities and refreshment stand.

Real value. K. GRANT. 1537 Main St, 2-4757-2-5143 GAS STATION. High 230,000 gallons anntially.

Located on bury atreet and major highway, in condition 2 deep stalls for creasing with and repair. display room, rest rooms, cellar furnace, Includes real catate. Shown only by appointment. on Tr. 8.

Highway In properous W. MANS. town. guest rooms with hot and cold water, most rooms can accommodate 2 persons, 7 complete bathe, StoRm heat to all rooms. Bide.

In excellent condition. Barge lot-ample parking area. Net income Asking price: $31,000. GAR STATION. Lunchroom and on Rte.

Ride. has 6 room aprt. Excellent location, frontage, 3 tourist garage. Can net $8000 Income. Aak lug price: $20,000.

CONNECTICUT SUMMER on beach with liquor And food. Net Income $10,000 for season. Price $33,000, Includes real estate. NEW HAMPSHIRE SUMMER HOTEL, rooms. quor, food.

Hull liq. lic. available, 80 I'rice aUl'e. land. Net income months SiT.

AND includes real estate. GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET on busy V. S. highway. Gond long a low rent.

Asking price only GROCERY AND MEAT MARKET located In expanding W'. Mass, city on busy highWAY, long eatablished, modern fixtures. law price of only StAMMY, CREAM HAR, luncheonette, Gift Shop, Bus Ntop. atation, Candy and Variety Shon, location' in vIle of the liveliest Mass. towns.

Don't miss this opportunity. Aaking price: MEAT AND GROCERY MARKET in Springfield, busy street. residential section. Near hospital. Only $28,010.

All properties shown by appointment only. Office open Sunday 1-3 p. 111. A. R.

PALCAYAKI AGENCY 33 HIm Westfield, Tel. 356 GOLF DRIVING Range -complete $1500. 3-3100 DOLAN-GRADY eves, 7-5806. GET THE BEST CAFE. A busy spot.

Well located. Nicely furnished. Good income, lease, Can be bought rixbt. Appt. only.

E. S. MARRIN MAIN STREET GAS STATION. truck stop. Beer wine lie.

Large bualneas. 8 root house 14. acres tnol. Main highway A good buy. By app't.

vuly $33,000 MEREDITH REAL ESTATE Tel. Russell Blandlord GROCERY meat market. Well stocked well equippel. Good lease. Must sellwith or: without 1947 Phone 9-1938 betweer pa GROCERY.

confectionery, luncheonette, I'rke right. Half down, hat: Call 7-0527 Monday 0-13, GARAGE eant. parts stock. Bargn, SERVICE Gas. all repairs, sundrles, CARINS NOSIES: In N.

I. From DRUG STORES: and Cuun. 311,000 up. GAS STA. R.

starting at $15,000. ICE CREAM: Wholesale retail. With R. b. EATERY: Boston to Rd.

WIn R. F. TEED AGENCY, 1618 Main St. GROCERY (3 pool T. rear) Main St.

Spfid. yr. lease. Ilented. $100 A mo.

(Sickness), Jenny Realtors, HEATING and appliance business. Profitable. Box 496, Union Office, IDEAL business proposition for right party. An outdoor stand. Apply 24 Val ley View Restaurant.

T'ville. Conn. ICE CREAM variety store, fully equipped plus Ice cream mach. Now closed-01 health. Exc.

location. Box 226, T'rille, Tel. ICE CREAM variety store. No. Main St.

Rita Melnnis. 3-7726. IN apt. brick. blocks.

new plumbing rood Income. good cond. Owner leaving city. Box- 1174 ton Office. a LUNCHEONETTE -Lorated on one of 1 Springfield's heavily traveled Now grOss approx.

$30,000 per year. For information Call; SPEED HEGEMAN. REALTORS 54 Elm Street. West Sprld. Tel.

7-2604 S04 LOOING FOR A MEAT A GROCERY BUSINEN8 We hare good clean proposition, only. miles from Springfield. Established yrs. Present steam heated bullding 3 old. All montern equipment, well stocked with quality brandy.

will stand closest scrutiny. Good reason for selling. buys every. thing. Including building.

THYBERG REALTY CO. REALTORS 123 Parker St. at Wilbraham LUNCHEONETTE variety, fully equipped, an. extab. business.

Good income. leas. 3-0172. LUNCHROOM -An old established business, modern equipment, excellent location. Owner retiring.

Will sacrifice. LICENSED HOUSING HOUSE Rooms, 4 baths, steam-oil, completely furnished. A-1 condition inside and out. Gross $7500 year can be increased. Ideal for man and wife.

About $10,000 each required, bal, terms. BOX 100 UNION OFFICE MAN! These -are hot! Make $6.35 on every sale, Sales are really easy. New Adding Machines in original factory cartons you can sell for only $12.93 and you make over 454. They're executive model portables, precision built, fully guaranteed. Send for life-size color photo with full details.

Write today to Lightning Adding Machine Dept. TD. 1260 West Second Los Angeles, 28. California. MONSON -Modern with 6 rm.

apartinent over. 1 good opportunity to purchase a home and busineas for only $14.500. REALTY CO. REALTORS 1233 Parker St. at Wilbraham 1-1027 NIGHT CLUB fully euipped, full liquor license, good loc.

Sacrifice. Box 4705, Union. Office. NEIGHBORHOOD grocery store, well 1o- cated in Krowing community. Owner must sacrifice at $3000, which Includes stock many fixtures.

For details call T. V. Paige. 95 State St, 9-3889 eves. East Long.

670. PK SEC Well atocked variety luncheonette business with living quarters, busy location, Long eat. 3-3531. L'ACKAGE STORE BEER WINE. 10 minutes from city.

Good spot. Owner must sell. No triflers. N. MARRIN 1928 MAIN STREET Eves.

PACKAGE store. Beer wine. Box 4700, Union Office. POLISIC OR FRENCIL SELF SERVICE weekly. Completely modern.

Priced 80 rensonable. It 18 definitely worth investigating. Itcome tax figures 2-3700 DOLAN-GRADY Eves. 7-6800 SHOK STORE on account of owner'g death 19 now for male. Sama location 20 Box 4692.

Union Office. RETAIL Bakery. Good lecation well equipped. Good lease, Keas. ITolyoke 3-9117.

RESTAURANT. Central. Closed evenings Sundays, Heal bargain, Box 492, Untou Office. SELF SERVICE market. Profit $15,000 yr.

Reasonable terms. Box 493, Union Office. SELLING A BUSINESS? FOR PROMPT ACLION CALL CAMPBELL, SNACK BAR, A real money maker, Ice cream, sandwiches, modern brick bldg. with 3 rm. 'apt.

bath, 2 C. Jot 132 187, oil, outskirts of city. $10,000 SPELD. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE 3-4825 SANDWICH shop. Doing wk.

Reaterma. Box 494, Union Office. TWO SMART BUYS MEN'S cleaning. and repairing. Springfield suburb, Tow rent.

Well stocked. Net $6000. Don't mias it. BEAUTY Low STOP. One operator.

Fully equipped. rent. 1 Includes 2 room apartment. Nets $41:00 yearly. Investigate.

H. S. MARRIN 1938 MAIN STREET TOURIST home, cahins. Gift: shop. Main highway.

One of the beat busiest spots in N. England, Exc. income close. All winter, owners welling to illness old Page. 3-3321 WORTHY REALITY CO.

3-3621 TOURIST home. Profit $12,000 yr. ROnable terms, Box 491, Union office. TAXI -best location in college town, or" working. partner wanted.

For app't. Call Nasthampton 473-W4. VARIETY STORE. REAS. PRICK.

TEL. 6-9716, 175. HANco*ck ST. 492 CHICOPEE Wilfimansett, corner of Melvin St. Business store with two house.

4) one vaCant. Automatic oil heat (steam). Inquire LOUIS SCANAPIECO. 4 MELVIN Tel. Holyoke 8127.

Business Opportunities Wanted $8A ARE TOU PLANNING to sells your bustness? Are yow looking for cash? Our ellente are prepared to pay and buy. What beve for Gale? LISTING THRO OUT Now England. Call JULIUS MELTZER. 1867 St. 4-1101.

3 FINANCIAL Business Opportunities Wanted BRA TRANSPORTATION Interested in operating rights or business between Western N. Y. C. with or without equipment. P.

O. Box 62, Spring. Personal Financing FOR ANY TYPE LOAN Sue New Method Finance. 1509 Muln At. 4-2427.

Livene 60. LOANS $100 to Money. in one day. DAN 00. License 1:87 Main At.

Room Tel. NICO SOME EXTRA FIRST BANKERS, 21 ELM 8'T. (ON COURT TECH. 2-4158. Money to Loan CONTACT It you need Int mortgage money to buy, build or refinance your prement, home 10.

33 NON ST, 6-3637 CARIL AT ONCE for any type loan Including mortgaxes, Recounts receivable, Insurance policies. Louns to heirs and beneficiaries. Seaboard Discount Corporation, 1562 Main 4-4191. VIRICOT REDUCTION mortgage avail. to qualified home ow'nors.

Immediate action. FURLAM 00. 6-6351 LIFE INSURANON anger at low interest I refinanced, mercial properties and construction loans, Call: dASA. OVeR. PLACE YOUR MORTGAGE WITH A HAV.


PRIVATE money to luan for 4 nites. or bualneas. Write Box: 104 Union Office. LIVESTOCK Dogs, Cats, Pots K. C.

Porker Spaulel pupples, champion stock. K- Hoy Kennels, Route 60. Northampton, Tel. Northampton 1001J. BEAUTIFUL bark, also grey kitten would like good home.

Free. Holyoke 0317. BOARDING trimming, lathing, pick up Berlyd serpa, dial 2.0161. BOSTON Beautifully marked. I dwell Kennels.

Tel. 4-1300, BOSTON terriers, de uld. Pups. Church West Springfield. BOSTON- old.

beauty, Ch, stock. leg. ARc. for good home. Sheeban, 37 Tangdon St.

BOXER C. registered. Ped. old. Mr.

Walter K. Rosendale. Jr. 75 Halsey Meadow Terrace, Chicopee. BOXER AT STUD RED fawn, flashy white marking, con of Jut.

Ch. Whistler, Ntop EI-MAR KENNELS 111 Porter Enat 681 BOXER puppy fawn A registered, rene. Phone Southwick 150. BONERS BEAUTIFUL; PUPPIES, REAS, PRICED ALSO AT STUD THE 8 GAY BLADE OF JALAINE KENNELS 316 ARCADIA TEL, 7-1644 (On laland Pond at Cien. Edward's Bridge) BOXER FAWN CHAMPION AT STUD The best no more.

WILBRAMONT BOXERS. (. Butler MUD No. Wilbraham CHI excellent quality breeding atock, with ACHA ref. Kenney'a Chinchilla herat, Tel.

Janoh, Amherst, Pelham Am1350M. co*ckER PUPPIES, ANC, HURRY JUST FOUR LEFT. 59 JU'DSON ST. COLLIE PUTS- Sable White Pure Hreds. Tel, CANARIES for Mother's Day.

Guaranteed singers, rages and supplies If your bird don't try Incle George' Sing. Tel. 440041 or 3-9331, COLLIE POPPIER AKC. Reasonable, Forcheron, Doming Watting. Coan.

(of! Huckland Manchester co*ckER housebroken, male, bi.k and white. inor. Holy, DACHSHUND puppies, AKO reg. top binod lines: Hirko Hen Breaknerk 11911, Krimfield, Mass. Tel.

341, TERRIERS hair. Choice. ler. Thorough bred but not registered. Call GREAT DANE.

broken, inoculated. rood with. children. 4-7033. GERMAN SHEPHERD puppies $15 up, $15: up.

Corker $25 up, Shepherds. Bangles, Dachshund. Dal. matians, Lewis Farm Kennels, 1139 Jen St. Call GREAT DANE puns, Dogs boarded.

Stone's Kennels, Littleville GERMAN. SHEPARD police pups, maics females. Reg. AKC. Protect children, home, 4 landall Place off Allen.

HORSE meat lion sale. Stone's Kennels, Littleville Juntington. 111SIL SETTER puppies A. K. C.

resistered airs. Donald Kahrian, 23 Piper West Spfid. 4-1630. WILL buy a litter of registered pups; Write Box 154 Southwick. KITTENS lovely persian AlsO mete Healthy Reas.

Granger, 133 Hampden W. 8. REGISTERED Chihuahua puppies. Rite, black chorolate. blue atud for service.

8-1490, SMALL. beagle hound, 1 yr. old. Would make good pet or good hunter. $10, Tel.

SMALL REG. PED. TEl. SMART CROSSBRED PUPPIES 22 RD, SUNDAY SPECIAL BLACK JOLLIES the EACH Eddies Tropical Fish Room, 13 Union W'eat Spild, Opened Mon. -Fri.

9-H. Watch for announcement of new summer hours starting nest week end. SILVER olden pheasants. Also bAnguinea pica. Paderewski Chironee.

THE AQUARIAM CENTER. SN Columbus Ave. Tropical fish, supplies of all kinds. Cold Fish. Come In stock your outside pool.

Tot supplira. Tel. 7-9483. TROPICAL erotic goldfish plants. ac.

cessoriea. turtles. Lu's Aqua Gardens, 80 High Jackson. Holyoke. 3-9446.

TROPICAL FISH Special- neon $1.23 per pair Just received 3000 tropical fish at the lowest price. Orange canaries rebra finch. per pair. AlsO tanks and plant supplies for aquarium. one of the largest places in Mass.

for fish and pets, DAVE'S CANARY FARM 21 Addams Willimansett Tel. Ilolyoke 4803 YOUNG parakeets, for finger training. Get them while they last at Manicki's, 36 Gilmore Chicopee. Tel. 408.

FLUFFY kittens need somebody, love them. old. Trained to sand box. t'all No. Wilbraham 194-4, Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 49 A READY market for your horses.

Wilson Mink Ranch Somers, Conn. Tel. Ville 3183. A 2 ACRE pasture for rent. never falling water.

R. L. Manchester, Amherst, Masa. A STEADY market for old horses. Stanley's Mink Farm.

Westfield 1043M. INCHER MARKET for old houses. field Mink Ranch. Thompsonville, 3461. READY market for your horses.

Wilson Mink Ranch. Somers, Conn. Tel. Thompconville 3183. BEAUTIFUL riding horse.

Saddle bridle, Kens. 113 James Fairview. ESCO NTAGRIA Ten can milk cooler compiete with compressor, good condition, $250, Charles Tator, 40 Nelso West Springtield, GUERNSEY cow. Due in 1 week. Call man.

85 Eddywood St. PRICKS pald for cows. calves hogs, James Maspo, 275 School wam. 6-7848. MARE and 2 yr.

old colt. Write P. 0. Box 500. Belchertowd, Mass.

Tel. 3641. MR. STEARNS will rent horses by the hour for all who like to ride. Look for the sign on Rte.

21 ahout 113 miles beyond lavlland Beach in Ludlow. OT DISABLED horses wanted. Stone's Kennels, Littlerille Huntington. 2337. SADDLE HORSES 2 Shetland ponies for sale.

M. Sullivan, 180 Crane Hill No. Wilbraham. WANTED work horse (cheap) consider team. For amall farm.

Also harness, few horse tools. Box 4694, Union Office. WALKING horse, 9 vra. old. Nice pleasure horse.

1. W. Goodyear, Sunderland, Mass. YOUNG bull 14 mos. old.

3-1475, 340 Tinkham Rd. SADDLE horses, saddles bridles extra heavy drawing harnesses. horse manure. 11. ir.

Couch, Tel. Blandford 3171. Poultry and Supplies 49 ALl, types poultry wanted. Hampden Foultry Co. Tel.

9-6715 or 4-6695. LIVE poultry wanted. Highest prices. 1, Kapian, 42. Essex St.

6-0887, 3-5403. A. BETTER price for all poultry, any amount. United Poultry. Tel.

3-0309. A-1 TOP prices for Inree roasting chickens fowls, broilers. turkeys. capons ducks F. J.

Zelnzo. BARY CHICKS, pullete, co*ckerels, Pilch's. Kim Thompsonville, Conn, BABY CHIX Barred White Rocks. Crosses, R. I.

Redo TURKEY POULTS. PURINA CHOWS. Sanitation Products and supplies, i METHE, INC. 300 TAYLOR ST. PHONE 2-1194 BABY CHIX Barred White Rocks.

Crosses, R. I. Rede TURKEY POULTS. PURINA CHOWS, Sanitation Products and supplies. A TATLOR ST.

PHONE 9-1104 METH Nichols dRew Hampshires," Mount old started, R. I. Reda Hop White Red- crows, linked crossed, MANA, pullorum clean McKinatry Farms, 133 Mcklustry AVe. Chlroper, Tel, Chic. FOIL and N.

hallower, Sufficid, Conn. MANY getting disappointed. Why not order in advance? White Harred Rocks, Now Tampa William Chicks, Fairview Ave, Thompsonville, MERCHANDISE Articles For Sale BOY'S and a girl'a bicycle, excellent conditton. 14. Lucerne Spfid.

'Tel, ASI A RUBBISIC cans. Now used. Dube's Switzer Ave. AWNINGS made, Quality at rea Ronable prices. Please call 6-5376 tor free estimate.

sleet stall home safe very reason able, Telephone 2-00549. AT STAN'S you can buy used articles of all kinds, back number magazines and used Amok also. Hanco*ck St. AT THE CUT RATE HARDWARE. I Paint a gal.

Wallpaper 1-3 off of 1951 line. We rent four sanders, pollabera, wallpaper sawa, drills, wall paperlox tables, lawn rollers, wheel barrowa, lawn elle. bedke clippeta, prunely, 411 8t. James Ave. Tel.

2-1476. ANI. HORNENS made, painted installed repaired, Tel. Norte Wilbraham FEW earthen crock Jars, juga small Iron for lot. 2-1988, ARMY -NAVY Axes, Shovel, picks.

hammers, matticks 31,00 ea. Sunder 30, GI a or water cons $1.60 raker, 400 500, custlopa 300 erdar pusta 35 chicken wire. $3. pet roll, cedar clothraline ponta heavy duty fruit V' type fence pot 6 ft. I Stirrups $2.50, Jungle, bainmocke, Navy rain MEMORIAL WEST SPFLD.

LARGE clothes line reel never uNed Presto recording machine with blank records and Anar mile, 9x12 coral blue Chinese rug. Just cleaned. 160 Cambris Sunday, after I p. m. AUTO.

GAS WATER P'ELEPHONE 6-6317. ANTIQUE C'antor wet. largo bottles $16, beaut. hurricane lamps pr. Fade port, radio price, table lamp $3.

E. D. GreetIng cards boxed. price, A GEN. No.

3 Indirect heater, 2 panel door blower ind. boxes KAR heater Si. BABY SAFE Freding table, brand new $15. On ll 4-4493 Mon. eve, For 3 strong hives with brood.

Extra hives desired. Mra, Paul BorowAkI, Beechwood Tel. 1.10, BATHROOM SEP Tub (on lega) lavatory and toilet, some fixtures. W'hite kitchen aluk 7. 7-0047.

BEAUTIFUL combination baby carriake stroller. Practically new. Complete with DOTS MIKE. $15 CALL, 9-3064 new. Ught blue with crenin lining, volBEAUTIFUl, Thayer baby carriage.

Like $23. 7-7933 or IANT 7. 10. 12 ft. We Also erpet same.

See mainplo fence at 817 Boston Md. Johnaon Sales Co. Tel. 4-9619 or lb. capacity.

In perfeet condition. Tel. 8-29861. CORNER cabinets, presaure cooker, garden touts, Hawaiian dull house, etc. All wk.

CORNICES beautifully designed. Plywood unpainted, $1.92. Call COMPLETE camping outfit. Call 8. Clapp, 4-1397 after 5 DEMENT for ouly $1.15 per.

bag. mule it we deliver. Lumber 1. Pare Tel: 3-3168. COPTER TANK elec.

stove, blower with controls, Call 4-5003. COLON tricycle, chain drive, 20 Inch wheel Almost new. $20, Tel. COATS dresses, nrarly Dew. Ann's Shop, Taylor St.

1-5 p. m. Thurs, eves. CARRIAGE steer-o-matic, almost new. $19, will sell lees than halt price.

COMPARE THESE VALUES 5 ft. steel recess tub, bare, Nen aluminum base callar drainer soilpipe. atandard 06c. per ft, soilpipe, extra heavy. $1,20 per soilpipe, Mandard $2.04 branches, exira heavy $2.56 $1.11 standard $1.36 PR.

1.OW SUPPLY CO. 243 WORTHINGTON 3-2173 CLOTHES $9.95 LINK POLES Call made of 2 3 pipe up. ELECTRIC SEWING MACHINES FOR MO. 4-2449 ELECTRIC hand plane, buffing Jack. IT.

P. Phase motor built on arbor. 2-1639. FREEZERS- at saving. 20 Parker Indian Orchard.

GE monitor top refrigerator, A-1 condition. $76. First Cash 2-518G, GUNS Winchester 16 En. single shot gun, Stevens 22 repeating rifle. 1-0009.

GUT.F SUPREME motor oil, Grade 10-20. 30-40. 19c qt. Kitcheners Dept Store, In dian Orchard. GOLF IRONS seta.

Hobby Jones Tommy Armour. Call GOLF matched Brietol. Irons. Pederson wondg putter. $13.

B. 190 Franklin St. wood. 5 bar. wan for small outboard motor.

Box 443 Union Orfice, HOT water heater, oil. Exo, cond. Tel. 9-4012. HEYWOOD Wakefield baby carriage.

Good cond. $10. Tel East. Lung 11. SMITH boiler No.

321, good fo. steam or hot water heating. In good cond. Will heat 3-8 rooms, Ilas grates, hot water heater: Price $38. Also A used Regina vacuum cleaner In good cond.

$12 A 'porch clothes line. $7. Porcelain store comb, gas oil, white grey. $12. 3-0681.

IDEAL lawn mower sharpener. Also parts to make a utility trailer. Tel. 7-7715. LARGE bleach mahogany crib mattress $15.

Call 4-6068. LARGE oil painting picture frames, Books of all Tel. 7-2558. MOVING--Beautiful $900 wal. din.

rill. set, beds. complete, dresser, rugs, odd chairs, tables, etc. 7-1100. Automatic clothesline.

Uses no clothes pina. Tel. 81370. ONE HORSE POWER MOTOR TE. LUDLOW 2144.

OLD fashioned gal corkery Jugs for porch or garden use. Reas. Tel. 3-1753. OIL Water heater with all connections oil drums, Reas.

32 Thomas St. PAINT enamel close outs, 30c. qt, $1.9. gal. Turpentine 89c.

gal, Pure raw seed oil $2.48 gal. Open eves. until 9. Nowak 333 Columbus Springfield. 319 Meadow Rett, qu 're Colonial Club, State Ludlow.

TABLE in good, cond. for $50. Tr PLAYER PIANO, good condition, Call 7-2861 after 4 p. m. FENCE (white) approx.

100 ft. Fine rond. 2-3829 Sunday, Week days after 6 p. m. PINE corner cupboard.

ft. tall, $27. diningrm, server $10. Both excel. cond.

Tel. 3-4089. TABLE. full size. complete sories.

Call 6-4492. PRACTICALLY NEW Thayer "beach On' baby carriage. 1'r. white Professional roller skates size new. 7-2117.

Gay. Good cond Rena. 'Cel. 3-4939. REFRIGERATOR, kitchen set, misc.

kitche? articles. misc. household articles, baby'! high chair. stroller. shotgun, three utility cheat.

TV booster. 10 Princeton St. STEAM BOILER Puritan No. 21, coal fired Call 4-0038. the fire proof wallboard, only per sr.

ft. Springfield Lumber 15r l'age Tel: 3-3168. SEWING MACHINE treadle type. Good cond. Bookcase.

Radio, floor model, needs adjusting. $35 takes all. 25 Ladd St. SMALT, tables, maple finish; wheel barrows, $6 up. 900 Sumner Ave.

SEWING Machines, dirt, cheap, 163 Whitt St. Evenings only. SPINNING outfit Luxor reel, 27.50 rod line) Strattos Sport Shop, 2214 Main, TUB, TOILET, sink 142 Winde mere St. TYPEWRITER-Remington portable. 26.

Tel. TYPEWRITERS. NEW PORTABLES All makes models. Will allow up to 430 on your old machine. Mail And phone orders filled.

Greene's 473 Dwight St, 9378. TAPE -Pentron 9T3 complete Cost 3109. Sacrifice. Tel. 2-2203 after.

m. TROLLING ROD, Ocean City Reel line, new. Also hip boots, size 9, $20. Tel. 6-3040.

TWO NEW trailer wheels tires. Almo Craftsman Tilting Arbor table stand. Ream. 6-8188. TELEVISION at discount.

All 1951 mod Floor samples 14 inch, 16 inch, 11 Inch 19 inch. Torme Trades. Web Auto Sales. A-1315. TELEVISION receivers.

All models Save money with. us. Call After p. UNIVERSAL sal. electrio heater.

Can 16 Long. LIVESTOCK Poultry and Supplies MERCHANDISE Articles For Sale Bi TYPEWRITER 'Reminglon noiseless. $35. Call 7-302. UTILITY trailer custom built 4' 6' welded steel frame, varnished woodwork.

4-2345. WELDING Cutting Equipment. New Used. Deferred payments. Taft Welding 3171 Main St.

4-5700. WINDOW SHADES, selected irregulars cloth cut mounted to' fit your rollers, to 36' 6 ft. Solid colors. $1.10. WEST SIDE SHADE BLIND CO.

11 Central St. opy. Post Office W. 8. 9-649.

WALLPAPER for every room In yout home. Heavy durable, sunfast quality. Fine selection of patterns. Save 83 1-3 ta 50 rent. Bring room measurements.

P'oole's Wallpaper 4th floor. WALNUT French doors frames. Tel. 3-6250. BRAND NEW tires, 6.50x15.

Selling Macrifice. 7-3203. overhead doora 8 ft. Reasonable. boy's bike.


7-5452. Like new, $250 Installed. Call 2-4373. HORSE POWER air conditioner, a console 100 PT. Chrome Atael tape.

Ratchet die to Pipe cutter. 3-1761. 2 STEAM BOILERS 1 Hah showcase, 2 extra lee, garage doors, 2 large Iceboxes, 1 deep freeze, Tel. MI NO. ft.

of white antique floor board, 273 yra. old. 21 ft. long. AlsO 9' 21' long wall panel.

John Manchelli, 138 Main Wild. Tel, Wfid. 46 GAL, Auto. water tank. Brand new.

Cont $250. Sacrifice $150. Eveready ras oil burner almost new, 4-7225. ('ameras and Equipment 81A ALL uned camera prices greatly reduced Navings up to Stock must be res duced. United Inggage Camera, 1689 Main St.

BARGAINS GALORE Bloom's CAmera Center, 1657 Main, near Taylor. Trade In your need camera equipment. CAMERA, movie Revere 88, case, 3 month! old. 53 dollars. 6 to 9 eve.

8 min, (used) projector, $30. Cal. 7-9449. LIECA 36 MM, 1.2 speed .1000 sec. colored Next ream.

offer takes it. Call yoke 2-2000. Business Equipment 52 ASSORTMENT ot Restaurant equipment supplies Including china, glassware, flat ware, ranges, counters, refrigerator's, toasters, grills, stools, tables, chairs, sinks dishwasher, fountain. new used KITTREDGE STORE FIXTURES 608-14 Dwight. St.

3-4872-4-6144 AT SACRIFICE. Must be gold before May 10. Cash register, 21 gal. ice cream custard making machine, grill greeting card cabinet, Ice cream cabinet etc. 411 St.

James Ave. BOOTH 4. stools soda fountain, Arthul Coty, 1037 Montgomery Willimansett DEJUR ENLARGER 4-5 lenA negative. Like new. Call 6-7223.

DESK. chairs, tables, safer. visibie equipment, BROADWAY OFFICE. SUP. PLY EQUIPMENT CO, Tel.

4-2040. trialetor $12, Wyott creamer $13, Globe elec. slicer $40, Hobart mixers, show CARPA, Comb. coffee urn, grill, meat grinder, etc. 27129.

EXECUTIVE'S desk de chair. Inquire af KoonI 411. Security 44 Vernon St FOR SACK set of 5 office chairs. in brown, exc. cond.

2 Congoleunt rugs, Exc. Tel. 7-4914. FRIGIDAIRE, hu compressor and coll only $73. Holyoke 2-2133.

GLOBE mach. lamburg mach, cube steak coffee mill, scale. Meat blocks, 3 refrig. units, h.p. leas East.

Long. number of high-grade booths tables and chairs fur restaurant use, only used. Tel 7-1431. MEAT CASES 8 10 each double duty. Like new.

Separate comp. Walk In box. Scales, cash registers, etc. 0-3313. MEAT CASE with comp.

Globe elec. meat slicer, like new. leas. Tel. 2-7129.

NATIONAL, elec. cash register, rings from 1c to Priced sold ax 1s. Clark Paint Factory, IM; Union West Spfld. REMINGTON noiseless office typewriter and all steel table. l'erfert vond.

2-0049. STORE FIXTURES MARKET EQUIP. RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT LARGEST DISPLAY IN NEW ENGLAND SALESROOMS CHUCK FULL FRANK STEIN SONS. INC. 32-34 HAMPDEN SPRINGFIELD 512 NIGIT HOLTOKE WATER COOLERS, soda coolera, refrigeratota, meat cases, fans, exhaust and circulating fans, over 000 fang-all sizes and styles.

524 fligh TO llolyoke. Tel. 3-9745 HOLYOKE AUCTION INC. 18 FT. SODA fountain with back and front bar.

Inquire Tip Top Restaurant, 8 Center Chicopee. Business Equipment BREAD CANN mixer. oven, do-nut Inachine fryer roll divider. SODA FOUNTAIN CARBON ATORS FIOUR SAMPLES, NEW, REAS. 4-9701 Boats and Accessories BOAT KITS, Nott-Atwater motors, Marine supplies.

Kuhls, Dupont paints. Spfld. Christ Craft Marine, 470 -St. 1-2453 EVINKUDE MOTORS Kingcraft boats Lawrence N. King.

EVINRUDE motors, sales. service and paris, Boat, and boat trailers, farina J'aint Iardware, Schiavina'8 Sport Boat 993 Main West Spild. 3-3205, Open eves. FOR motor trailer. Call between 4 6 p.

111. 196 Clarendon Are. Chic. JOHNSON Sea-horse Motors, Parts and Re. pairs.

Thmpson Boats--from cartops to runabouts. Bassett Rowboats, Canoes, Bassett Bait Boat 46 Berkshire Tel. 4-8364. KINGCRAFT ROW MOATS Runabouts $150. Krinrude motors $87.50.

Lawrence M. King, Feeding lUlls. Tel. 7-3336. KODAK 35 built-in range finder, new cond.

Tel. 2-3639. LYMAN BOAT 1314 ft. Evinrude Motor. Accessories.

2 veara old. $500. 7-1114. LAST SHIPMENT for the season of 3.3 H. Sportwin motors have arrived buy early DeMontigny Sales 832 State St.

Open eves. till 8 I. M. MERCURY--Outboard motors. Harold King.

6-8776. USED RUNABOUT. used motors, new EYinrudes, lots of new boats, famous Woosley paints, glues. putties, marine ACcessories. everything nautical.

Beique's, 039 Appleton Holyoke. 13 FT. Deck Wolverine boat plus trailer, 18 H. P'. motor.

E. L. 620 after 5 p. m. 9.7 EVINRUDE outloard good cond.

Chas. Jones, 20 Searle St. Palmer, Tel. 458. 12 FT.

BOAT small outboard motor for BAle. 59 Worcester Ave. Anytime after 3. 13' LYMAN 30 h. Erinrude trailer.

133 Spring Conn. Call after 5 p. I. Reasonable. 31 FT.

cabin cruiser, marine engine, Phone 3-0367. 12 FOOT BOAT, trailer 10 hp motor, Evin, Indian motorcycle, Big Chief, like new, very cheap. Full line motor marine supplies. Tel. Northampton Gross Sports Exchange, 32 CABIN Cruiser-utility.

Completely equipped, ground tackle, galley. toilet, aux, ato. bilge pump. 10 ft. dinghy.

Gray marine 6. Very livable. Try $1175. Building Materials 54 ARMY CAMP LUMBER still available Planed tour sides, bright and thoroughly seasoned. Everything necessary to bulld your home at one low.

package deal price Financing available. Bring in your plans now for A free estimate. SPRINGFIELD WRECKING CO. INC. Old Reliable' 62 OSGOOD ST.

TEL. 9-5664 A1 WELL TILE high, 34" wide. Wells dug cleaned. Call Ludlow 2573 or 628. AT SURPLUS LUMBER CORP.

BUILD FOR LESS With Our Guaranteed Products Six Panel Colonial Door (All Sizes) to Windows (Completely Assembled) $13 each Oak Flooring 15c per bd. ft. Clapboards Western Red Cedar-Long Now Bundles per bd. ft. Novelty Siding 15c per bd.

N. C. Pine Roofers (House Lots) 11c per bd. ft. Ponderosa Pine Rab.

Jambs 5 3-8 $4 Each Moulded Casing 9c per lin. ft. Garage Door 8x7 (Overhead) $35 each Complete Stock of Building Materials IT ALWAYS COSTS LESS HERE 390 Albany St. (Off James Ave.) 7-3058 "BAY STATE' for quality lumber. Wrecking 331-339 Helmont Ave.

2-Two family houses, radiators, 1 holler, windows, doors, outside doors with glass, framing, boards, some plumbing. Also at our yard Novelty siding. sheet rock, dimensional lumber, match plant many other items for building remodeling. BAY STATE WRECKING CO. OPEN -FREE DELIVERY 17 Heywood West Spfld.

Tel. 7-5674 BUILDING MATERIALS- -CHEAP Framing ing lumber. windows. doors, jambs, plumbe ins. fixtures, hard pine flooring boards.

Wrecking 4 houses. 4 Tariff T' Ville Ct. BX 14-2. ft. 12 to cta.

ft. 14.3- eto. ft. In. Greenfield 10c ft.

Pipe wire boxes. 1158 Dwight St. Tel. 4-2674. B.

X. 14-2. 14-3, 12-2, 8c per ft. 20 Parker 1. 0.

DOORS- Grade A-1 two panel, Inside $0.50 Outride $11.50. Wholesale, 9 Broad 'St. DIMENSION Boards for sale. Marion St. Chic.

Tel. Chic. 2336R. FRAMING lumber, special prices In house Kelly-Fradet Lumber Inc. Open all day Saturday, 557 North Main Last Long.

MERCHANDISE Building Materials CONN. VALLEY BLOCK W. SPFLD TESTED CINDER BUILDING BLOCKS TEL. 4-8033 FRAMING lumber, native and western matched boards, oak flooring. clapboard And 10' And cedar shingles 104 And windows, kiln dried hardwoods.

John Galanek, College Highway, wick, Marg. Tel. Westfield 544 or Stock bridge 157, 8 in. to 6 p. m.

FREE ESTIMATES KITCHEN REMODELING Finished and unfinished kitchen cabinets with plastic counter tops, asphalt and rub ber floor plastic wall tile. Let us quote prices for the complete job. tion arranged on Easy Payment Plan. CALL SEARS ROEBUCK CO. 135 MEMORIAL W.

S. 9-3851 HARD PINE timbers planking. Tait Cod Yard, Liherty St. INSULATION Special while supply lasts $49 per thou sand, 2 inches thick by 16 inches wide 30 foot bundles. 62 OSGOOD ST.

BENNETT LUMBER SUPPLE. CO. LUMBER Complete house frame. Direct from cur mill to your site 2x4, 6, 8, 10; P4S, Dry pine boards, hemlock and spruce: P4S or Matched Write or phone Valley Lumber Corp. Townshend, Vt.

Tel. Vt. 121 PIAZZA posts and railing and some Call lumber, good condition. Reasonable. field 126, QUALITY BUILDING Save dollars by using dependable build.

ing materials. Douglas fir framing, N. pine matched boards, windows framed complete, doors of all kinds, asphalt shingles, insulation, oak flooring, Redwood cedar clapboards all other material for your new home. Check our prices inspect our quality before buying convinced. Union Lumber Supply 004 '15 Dale Tel.

3-8570. READY MIX concrete- Overhead gar. dre $55. Ludlow 321. Spfid.

8-1662 Danas Sand Gravel 246 Fuller ow. SPECIAL ONE WEEK ONLY NO. 2 WOOD SHINGLES, $13,75 PER 50 doors, plyscore, plywood, window units, roofing shingles, nails, 3 in. molded casing 10c per ft. Tel.

6-7286, Lucia ber Co. 1 (XX) SQ. FT. plyscare plywood, new sell lot for $250. 8'.

Westfield 2782-R. Fuel and Feed 50 A-1 SLAB wood, $12 a cord, stove, furnace, firepl. 2-4040. Prompt delivery. A 1 SEASONABLE WOOD stove, Seasoned furnace wood kindling wood.

our specialty. 24'. logs. 7-786 LOOSE HAY TEL. 4-4074 NATIVE Baled hay $32 ton up.

Tel. Palmer SLAR WOOD--Dry, Stove length. $5 Call 6-2992. Good Things to Eat APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! Still have your favorite varieties. Sweet cider, rhubarb, fresh eggs, potatoes, mapel ayrup.

Milerest Orchards, It. 21, Belchertown, APPLES-APPLES-APPLES BLUEBIRD ACRES 731 Parker St. East Long. (near Allen) open dally, DUCK EGGS 80 cents doz. Alden, 382 Elm.

East. Long. FRESII POULTRY STORE turkeys, capon roasters. eggs. Open evenings.

Sunday until 4 p. m. Pilch's, Elm Thompson ville, Conn. Household Goods 31 ALUMINUM square-tub Maytag washer. Excel.

cond. 21 Itendale St. aft. 4 p. m.

APARTMENT range "(electric) frigerator Westinghouse. 6-5388. A table. Frigidaire. Misc.

A-1 a articles. condition, 6-7840. Glass top coffee A NORGE gas oil washing stove, breaki fast Zenith kit. console radio, etc. 513 Dickinson set.

beds, ADMIRAL Ciearance Sale Price $148. Only $2.50 Console TV Was $249.95. HADLEY'S weekly, OUTLET 1095 MAIN Tel. 7-3530 PRIVATE SALE of household goods china inA cluding antiques, sterling. glass; suitable for wedding gift.

Oriental occasional rugs, Noritake china service for 8. 4 tables, co*cktail table, desk, bed warmer, set, figurines, spinning wheel, clock. tea oil paintings. chairs, candabras. goblet sets, decanter.

Several' Bourgoise wall brackets, Chinese articles, pewter. German canister sets, antique Queen Hen- And old velvet sofa, velvet chair etc. 59 starte Thurs. 9-3 Eve. 7-9.

Friday eve drick Chicopee Falls. Sale Wed. 7-9 Mr. C. S.

B. A KENMORE deluxe semi-automatic Double wash. ing wall tub. mach. Excel.

cond. Thayer deluxe carwith automatic timer. riage, white balloon collapsable, tires, mattress Reas. convert into bassinette; Call 3-046. A Tee Dox $10, Nite table, end table, $3 each WALNUT 9 PC.

Dining Room Set $59.50 Twin $12.01, White Crawford comb. stove $50 Redoutfit $21.70 complete, Dresser $2 COOPER'S weekly. 2198 MAIN NR. MEMORIAL, SQ. A LINOLEUM SPECIAL 20 sq.


KINDS of furniture, elec. stove ALI, refrig. dining rm. set, rugs, etc. 18 wick St.

3-4001. A BIG OPENING SALE Bedroom sets $29.95. Parlor set $19.95. Sewing Machine $14.30, blonde crib sets $14.50, at felt base rugs $4.45. 15 Bedroom low prices, chrome breakfast sets, lamps.

bedroom chairs STEVENS FURNITURE, 424 STATE ST. wAshing machines, floor EVES. EASY TERMS OPEN A BARGAIN -LINOLEUM LAID $14.95 FREE 20 sq. 9 12 colorful rugs, $3.95 for kitchen, only COOPER'S. 2198 Main near Memorial AIR CONDITIONERS (carrier window type) Suitahle for homes offices.

Installed, 7-7042. ALL and electrified $14.95 and up. NEWMAN TYPES sewing machines. Modernized SEWING MACHINE CO. 55 Taylor 9-6464.

APEX wAshers dryers, heats its own water. dishwashers (2) fully Automatic Reg. $319. special $199. 9-4143.

A better buy at Hales Te can sell it to you than whole sale. Wholesale is no longer a bargain. Reg. $3.95 vacht chairs 2.29 .39 Reg. 1.30 kitchen brooms elec.

iron 5.95 Reg. 09.95 Arvin port. radio 16.95 12.95 Westinghouse Reg. 64.95 RCA FM AM radios 37.50 Reg. 119 new home port.

sew. mach 65.00 keg. 69.05 GE VAC. clean. 39.60 Rex.

Reg. 149.95 wringer wash 99.50 19.05 table lamps 129.00 9.95 Reg. Rex. 219 2 pc. Lawson I.v.

flr. samp. 100.00 Norge gAR range Reg. leg. 229 3 pc.

blond bedrm. 139.00 Reg. Her. 339 9 pc. den rm.

set 219.00 198 3 pc. sofa bed set 119.00 pc. din. rm. set 349,10 Reg.

lex. 64.97 Hollywood bed outfit. 37.50 Rex. Reg. Wool face 9x12 rug 22.50 64.95 studio couch 37.60 Reg.

10.95 9x12 rug pad 5.95 200 odd tables lamps oft Reg. 190 fl. covering 5.95 .39 Reg. 129.93 pc. chrome kit.

set 79.00 Reg. 10.93 9x12 felt base rugs Reg. 12.95 metal cabinets furniture or appliance 7.95 It you. need IT'S HALES 1140 Main Spfld. Phone orders delivered Tel.

6-2161 PCE. Walnut dining rm. set for sale. Good cond. 6-6701.

ALL WITE wringer washer with genuine aluminum tub, complete with pump. Floor sample, $79. a BAILEY- INC. 282 Worthington St. Tel.

7-5221 ATTENTION cottage owners, 1 elec. range A-1 condition Tel. 4-8205. APEX WASHER- LATE MODEL. NOT SOILED.


old. Like new. Paid $150. Will sacrifice. Tel.

9-6301, BENDIX "Dialamatic" WASher clearance sale price $98. Only $1.75 weekly. Hadley's Outlet, 1095 Main. BABY CARRIAGE--Gond cond. $12.

51 P6- maquid Indian Orchard. BRAND NEW cu. ft. electric refigeratot with 1ge. freezer.

compartment. Famous make. Reg. $329 nOw $169. Limited tity.


TEL. 7-5229. BEDROOM OUTFIT- Sleek -Red, modern chest, dresser. spring, mattress. styling.

All this for only $100. Long easy terms At Hadley' Warehouse outlet, 1-3539, 1095 Main St. BARGAIN BAsem*nT AT KIMBALL'8 Folding camp cots $4.95 Coil spring -full size 5.00 Refrigerator. Westinghouse, 6 cu. ft.

15.00 KIMBALL FURNITURE CO. 2110 MAIN ST BENDIX FULLY automatic washing chine. Floor sample, $190. RAIEY-WAGNER. INC.

201 Worthington St. Tel BEDROOM SET (walnut) Exc. 'cond. plete with glass tops for each piece. 143 Woodlawn.

ur Monday only. 4 5.

The Morning Union from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Name: Duncan Muller

Birthday: 1997-01-13

Address: Apt. 505 914 Phillip Crossroad, O'Konborough, NV 62411

Phone: +8555305800947

Job: Construction Agent

Hobby: Shopping, Table tennis, Snowboarding, Rafting, Motor sports, Homebrewing, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Duncan Muller, I am a enchanting, good, gentle, modern, tasty, nice, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.