YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (2024)

News Rush Duel

YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (1)By NeoArkadia36 Comments

Let’s Get Metallic.

R・HERO タンタルム Rising HERO Tantalum

Source: X (Twitter)


YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (3)


NeoArkadia is the 2nd Number of "The Organization" and a primary article writer. They are also an administrator for the forum Neo Ark Cradle.You can also follow them at @neoarkadia24 on Twitter.

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  1. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (4)

    John Fortnite onJune 8, 2024 6:30 am

    effect reveals when?


    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (5)

      N onJune 8, 2024 6:48 am

      The first effect reveals for this set – the cards tied to the cover theme, which in this case is Dark Matter – will happen later this month. The other reveals will happen afterwards throughout late June all the way to the release date. I suspect the Rising HERO monsters will be Twitter reveals, which can happen at any point from late June onward.

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (6)

      TG onJune 8, 2024 6:57 am

      Whenever they get revealed.

  2. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (7)

    guu onJune 8, 2024 7:13 am

    here comes the rush haters in 3, 2 , 1 ……


    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (8)

      juanma onJune 8, 2024 7:18 am

      I really dont understand those rush duel hater. They say rush duel is stealing cards from TCG/OCG lol That doesnt make sense. Archetypes like heroes will never be meta deck because they are too old for the modern yugioh. It doesnt make an unbreakable board thought two or three handtraps so it is basically useless. At least heroes has in rush duel an oportunity to be meta or even a tier 1 deck

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (9)

      White wind Pollarion onJune 8, 2024 7:50 am

      There’s a good reason to dislike Rush, it stole the anime away from the ocg/tcg, and it sucks away all innovations the ocg/tcg

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (10)

      guu onJune 8, 2024 8:56 am

      @White wind Pollarion last time i check the rush animes performed better than arc v and vrains in jp

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (11)

      TallerVision onJune 8, 2024 8:58 am

      @White wind Pollarion it’s a shame territories with rush love it lmao. stay mad

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (12)

      Atticus Rhodes onJune 8, 2024 9:26 am

      I love rush duels, they treated my red-eyes with respect. Something the ocg couldnt do in 25 years

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (13)

      blue_sky onJune 8, 2024 12:12 pm

      damn, this wanted me to pray the anime should return to ocg/tcg so that konami could add another convoluted extra deck mechanic to spite on your face

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (14)

      blue_sky onJune 8, 2024 12:14 pm

      replying this to the rush haters hahahaha

  3. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (15)

    The⭐Gley onJune 8, 2024 8:50 am

    So Rush Duel haters will say that Rush took over the TCG/OCG anime, since everyone knows that games in the format have nothing to do with the anime and that it was plummeting in audience. Which master duel player watches Yugioh anime? 😂 Aren’t they ashamed?


    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (16)

      Kibo onJune 8, 2024 8:54 am

      Lol what? Why should someone be ashamed
      because they are watching a normal show? Are you normal in your head?

  4. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (17)

    Rushbo onJune 8, 2024 9:16 am

    Given that Argent had a 1000/1000 statline, I imagine we’ll be getting 4 R Heroes based off the original 4. Argent is Avian, Mechanite is Burstinatrix, and Tantalum is Clayman. So I would expect a 4th one to be revealed for the set as well. Likely they will all just be resource recovery and extenders, but I would love to see an R HERO fusion (even if their design aesthetic is kind of boring)


    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (18)

      Kuova onJune 8, 2024 10:32 am

      I thinking the same, maybe like a R-HERO Fusion that’s more of a supporter. Really not loving that their aesthetic is just generic future suit type of thing, goes against the idea that HEROs are based on comic book heroes/villians/anti-heroes

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (20)

      Rushbo onJune 8, 2024 3:11 pm

      its sad because there was an entire market of heroes thats completely untapped by any hero genre that would have worked here: the Metal Hero series by Toei. They are more mechanical (albeit more RoboCop esque in design) and would add some much needed diversity from the super mech blob designs. but maybe thats just wishful thinking lol

  5. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (21)

    Nek onJune 8, 2024 9:18 am

    Rush haters should really move on with whatever news the main format have and ignore the Rush news
    Like, whenever Rush have news they always spam their hate on it. Don’t you guys have other things to do than just doing the same thing over and over again that clearly doesn’t make any differents?
    You don’t like Rush, ok, just ignore it and move on. Is is too hard to do that simple thing?


    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (22)

      TallerVision onJune 8, 2024 9:32 am

      based nek

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (23)

      XX onJune 8, 2024 10:42 am

      are the rush haters in the room with us right now?

      i was told the rush / sevens / go rush copeposting on ygorg would be funny and i should look under the news posts once in a while but this is actually really sad. it’s all the same posts trying to “get out ahead of” the evil haters and asking themselves why anyone might not like it (but trying their best to ignore real answers and only processing the most inflammatory and easy to dismiss ones). if you like rush, ok, just like it and don’t spend every waking moment rushing to tell everyone you live in fear of someone who doesn’t maybe, occasionally, commenting negatively on your tv show or card game for 6 year olds (that is really good guys i promise it’s just that for some reason no one internationally wants to license it but that’s just because they just don’t know how good it is)

      rush duel, as a game, is completely fine and largely inoffensive.

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (24)

      Bruno Santo onJune 8, 2024 12:02 pm

      @XX Rush Duels haters don’t always appear in Rush Duels related posts.

      However, you will see them more often if any news related to the Anime appears or if a Card or Artwork with a Waifu appearance appears.

  6. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (25)

    ChaosMAX1268 onJune 8, 2024 10:32 am

    Meh the old heroes were more creative.


    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (26)

      N onJune 8, 2024 3:02 pm

      Because the Rising HEROs are based on metals on the periodic table and technology, having a futuristic and uniform appearance by design to contrast with the Elemental HEROs being inspired by natural elements and the variety of the specific comic book heroes they are based on.

  7. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (27)

    Unodostres onJune 8, 2024 11:23 am

    Are rush duel peeps okay? Came down to see what people had to say just for a bunch of people saying stuff about “Rush haters” When there havent been a single comment on this post about hating on rush duels? Just someone saying old heros were more creative like we good peeps? Its okay for people to say they dislike something it truley is it does not change what konami is gonna do with rush duels


    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (28)

      Nek onJune 8, 2024 11:54 am

      People won’t react like that if those guys don’t keep spamming the same thing over and over about “this is garbage, this ruins YGO” every time there’s a Rush news. No Rush Duel lover spamming hates like that when there’s a TCG/OCG news appears. If they just ignore Rush and move on nobody will say anything, people will mind their own business and play whatever they want.
      Honestly, some people go down to the comment section to see any useful tips for how to play something, but instead seeing hate cmts and stuff, that’s the problem.
      Admin already split the news to TCG/OCG and Rush in different sections and they still go in, that’s their intentionally fault.

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (29)

      The⭐Gley onJune 8, 2024 12:00 pm

      – talk bad about rush in a post
      – make rush fans uncomfortable
      – let them complain about “rush haters”
      – complain about complaints in a recent post
      – stonks 🥴

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (30)

      Bruno Santo onJune 8, 2024 12:07 pm

      Perhaps the funniest thing is that it’s always the OCG/TCG people who hate or complain about Rush Duels.

      I’ve rarely seen anyone from Rush Duels say anything bad or spam hate in OCG/TCG posts.

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (31)

      Rushbo onJune 8, 2024 3:20 pm

      honestly both parties are to blame. There is a very vocal minority (eh maybe majority idk but the main point is their loud about it) that constantly feel the need to express their disapproval to fans. ultimately harmless or not, nobody enjoys having something niche and then being badgered by it by losers on the internet.

      however, there is an equally annoying counter culture of rush fans that preemptively or constantly try to combat that negativity by arguing or venting. and all it does is feed the fire of discourse.

      TL;DR its been 4 years, and this conversation is boring and repetitive. Nobody wants to be the bigger man, so both parties should just ignore one another.

  8. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (32)

    The⭐Gley onJune 8, 2024 4:00 pm

    the guy still has the nerve to say that “both sides are to blame” 😂 are you listening, rush players? It’s your fault for not liking rush hate


    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (33)

      Rushbo onJune 8, 2024 5:05 pm

      not what I said at all, but if screaming at trolls in comment sections is really how you want to spend your limited time on this Earth, don’t let me stop you.

    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (34)

      Unodostres onJune 10, 2024 5:15 am

      Naw he right both sides pretty werid about it ngl we all can enjoy the card games brothers. Rush haters dont even play, Rush copers wanna say theres is better but in reailty its getting just as bad as master format, lets enjoy the games guys its fine

  9. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (35)

    juanma onJune 8, 2024 5:13 pm

    Lol is not like they are saying “We dont like the game” They are coming to every post to write that rush duel is trush and that it should dissapears xd. It seems that they really think that that way konami will just stop selling rush duel products.


  10. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (36)

    RyuuGaSaiko onJune 8, 2024 6:28 pm

    It’s is the coolest looking one so far!


  11. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (37)

    Eternal Echo onJune 8, 2024 7:36 pm

    I think you all in the comments need to lie down for a bit.


  12. YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (38)

    You onJune 8, 2024 9:37 pm

    I wouldn’t mind playing Rush if they made a video game for it. The new Hero cards might make me want to try it out.


    • YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (39)

      Guu onJune 10, 2024 1:54 pm

      Edopro, ygo omega, duel Nexus exist

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YGOrganization | Another Rising HERO Artwork for Dark Matter of Phantoms [RUSH DUEL] (2024)
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