Fitchburg Sentinel from Fitchburg, Massachusetts (2024)

FITCHBURG (MASS.) SENTINEL, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1965 THE WEATHER Zonal Forecast Ceulml with rain tonight, low teiupera- lures in tlic I'wlpita- (iou ending early Thursday morning followed by partial cleiring und uilld. ALMANAC, VK6. 10, 1965 st Qualtor Mar. 10, 12h 53ni, ti --College Inquirers will meet tomorrow at 0:30 p. m.

in the First Baptist Church. --Junior choir will rehearse tomorrow at 0:30 p. in. ill the Messiah Lutheran Church. --Junior choir will rehearse tomorrow at 4 p.

in. in the Klin Street Congregational --The Bernard's Parish "I Association social, scheduled for tomorrow, lias been cancelled. --Junior choir will rehearse to- SIDE GLANCES ByGalbraith Fiiftt a i Mar. iu, un Quar K.b i. sh 53m, Mom.

morrow at p. m. in the First full Moou 15. 71i 27m, Eve. Parish Church.

Last Qua E. New Moon Mar. 3. 4h 56m. Mori), t.

TEMPERATURES 7 a.m. 29 11 a.m. 27 1 p.m. 26 Twenty-four-hour maximum, 4(i at 3 p. Tuesday; minimum, 26 at 1 p.

m. today. RUBBISH SCHEDULE Thursday Ward 1 -Rollstone Church Thrift --Mrs. Azeline Tanguay, 71 Congress is a paticut a Burbauk Hospital. Order of DeMolay Rifle Club will meet tonight at 7 o'clock in the Police Station to practice shooting.

I --Golden Age Club will hold, its weekly whist party tomorrow afternoon at 2 in the Lowe House. The public is invited. --Mt. Roulstoiic Lodge, will meet tomorrow night at in the Odd Fellows Hall, 41 Leighton St. Shop, 22 North will be open Tncre win be a mceting of tomorrow and Friday from lu (he a society of Christian a.

m. to 5 p. m. 'Service tomorrow at 7:30 p. m.

A 27 minute color the First Methodist Church. "Where Winter's A Pleasure will be shown tomorrow noon at the Fitchburg Public Library. The public is invited. There is no admission charge. -Crusaders will meet tomorrow at 3 m.

in Salvation Army headquarters, 44 Academy St. The open air meeting at 7 will be followed by the holiness meeting at 7:30. --John Geary of 38 Summer St. told police at 7:15 p. m.

Tuesday that a dealer's registration plate owned by Jordan Motors of 834 North Main Leominster, was lost either on Mechanic St. or on Rindge Road. --The Jack and Jill Thrift Shop in the basem*nt room of the parish house of Christ Episr copal Church will be open tomorrow from 10 a. m. to 1 p.

m. Shoppers will use the Fox St. nations will be represented at the International Night which will be held tomorrow at 8 p. m. at the tooting of the Immaculate Conception Women's Guild in parish hall.

Refreshments will be served. --North Worcester Chapter of the American Association of i Persons will meet Wednesday, Feb. 17 at the Lowe investigated. House. President Ernest Howe of Leominster will be in charge of the entertainment Refreshments will be served.

--Kenneth Chakemian. son of Mr. and George K. Cha-, entrance. --Several --Eucharistic Holy Hour will be held tomorrow at 7:30 p.

m. in the lower church of St. Ber nard's parish. --There will be a meeting of the evangelism committee tomorrow at 7:30 p. m.

in Emanuel Lutheran Church. The finance committee will also meet at this time. --Members of the Lady Emma Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, will conduct a ritualistic service for Stephen E. Chase tomorrow night at 7.15 in the Bosk Funeral Home. --Christian Service Brigade Battalion and Stockaders will meet tomorrow at 6:30 p.

m. in the Highland Baptist Church. Chorus choir will rehearse at 7:30 in the sanctuary. --Junior Young People's Fellowship of tlie Church of the Good Shepherd will hold'a skating party, weather permitting, tomorrow at 6 p. m.

The choir will rehearse at 7 in the church. --Frazier Lyl of 134 Leighton St. was treated at Burbank Hospital at 6:40 Tuesday night for a knife stab wound of the left palm.of'his hand. Lyle was discharged after treatment. Police Juvenile Court A 16-year-old boy, who lunged kemian of 58 Green has at Ptl.

Paul T. Keating with a been named to the dean's paring knife and a rolling pin in at the College of Liberal home.Jan. commit- at Tufts University, Medford. He is a 1963 special honor graduate of Fitchburg High School, Quiet Day" in preparation for the.vyorjd Day of Prayer for United Church Women of the Central Massachusetts Area will be held tomorrow from 10:30 a to 2 p. m.

in the First Congregational Church, Walnut St, Clinton. "Prayer in Action" is the theme of the event. --Amerigo E. Montuori, president-treasurer of Montuori Oil 68 Main will attend a special one-day conference and sales meeting of Tidewater Oil purchase and sale distributors, to be held Monday at the Hotel Pierre in New York City. --Miss Sally Vadil, a foreign exchange student from the Philippines who is presently a medical technician at Burbank Hospital, will be the guest speaker at the annual coyreed dish supper of the Women's Guild of St.

Camillus Church to be held tomorrow at 6:30 p. in the parish hall. --Snow, freezing rain and sleet combined today to cause hazardous driving throughout the city and area. Temperatures am, two 16-year-old boys with dis-lthe Perpetual Novena i to Our remained in the 20's with a low orderly conduct and accessory Lady of LaSalette tonight at 1 a adult at 1 p. m.

of 26 degrees. According to the weather forecast without authority, respectively Continuances were granted: Two girls, both 16 and charged warm into the 30's with partial with stubborhess, to March 9, in the precipitation will change to rain later as temperatures clearing tomorrow and warmer. --The parents' unit of the Junior and Juniorette Amvets drum and drill team will hold a special meeting tonight at 8 in the Lt. Gerald Post 29, Amvets headquarters, 350 John Fitch Highway. Plans will be discussed for the new quarters for the junior unit's weekly drill session with a program of activities to be mapped out for the season.

--Army Pfc. V. Raymond Alho, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vesa Alhp of 55 Central has been assigned to the 249th Military Police detachment in Korea.

Alho entered the Army last April and was stationed with the Armed Forces police in Boston. He is a 1961 graduate of Fitchburg High School and was a member of both the baseball and swimming teams. Following high school he attended Stevens Business College and was employed at Fitchburg Paper Co. before enlistment. --Another exhibit has been placed at the Fitchburg Public Library by Melville C.

Thomason, director of Wachusett Meadows Wildlife Sanctuary, Princeton, This exhibit features a snowshoe rabbit or the varying hare called the latter because its coat changes from brown to white with the arrival of winter. Mr. Thomason said that the track of the snowshoe rabbit may be seen on the snow in swampy areas such as along the boardwalk at Wachuselt Meadows. Shoe sale now going on it Stn- dent 344 Miin St. (Advt.) Eddie ZnfeH'i Orchertra.

Par Uei, Weddlnci, etc. DI Advt. ted to the Youth Service Board and battery with a deadly weapon. When first arraigned Jan. 26, he was committed to Gardner State Hospital for 35 days observation but the case was advanced to yesterday when he was discharged early.

With night stick in hand, Ptl. Keating defended himself by slapping the knife from the boy's hand with a coat, pushed him back into the confined quarters of a pantry and wrestled him to submission while two additional squad ears went to the scene. Keating was unhurt. In other cases, a 13-year-old boy, who had been on probation for breaking and entering in the daytime with intent to commit larceny was surrendered to the Youth Service Board for violating the terms of his probation. Dismissed were complaints charging a boy, 15, with taking an auto without authority and i-W Camera Club Views Slides i Henry C.

Wolski presented a slidu show entitled "Holiduy In to members awl guests of the'Camera Club of Fitch burg Tuesday night iu-tlie Recreation Hall of Christ Episcopal Church. His slides included views of "Sit will be right down. Her faw it flnhlwd, but smoothing down tht rough edgMl" Ward Thanks Citizenry For N-S Turnout Sen. Joseph D. Ward (D- Fitchburg) issued a statement thanking citizens of this area who participated in the North-South Highway hearing at the State House on Monday.

"The tremendous turnout ol dedicated citizens at the State House made a most favorable impression on the Committee on Highways and Motor Vehicles," the senator said. He further stated: "I am most grateful to all those who made the hearing such a success. 1 particularly? want to express by sincere gratitude to the press, radio and news media for their unselfish contribution. Public officials, industrialists, Chambers of Commerce, representatives, bankers, merchants, Golden Agers, labor leaders and just plain citizens joined in a show of strength and unanimity which will long be remembered at the State House. "I am now more persuaded than ever that working together Recreation Dept.

Crafts THURSDAY Afternoon 3 Daniels Heights, craft class for the aged with Miss Grace A. George, Evening 7 --Lowe House, rug braiding vith Mrs. Alice H. Gowell. 7 Maverick Center, right ide of hall, ceramics with Claude H.

Munson. 7 Maverick Center, first loor, oil painting for beginners with Thomas B. Morris. for 30' days study in one of 16 we can win this fight and see the cases heard by Judge Everett North-South Highway become H. Dudley in Juvenile Court here reality.

When this happens the Tuesday; people of this area can be proud The boys was charged with of their participation and with' delinquency by virtue of assault 1J ym. out this united effort we could not win." New Arrivals At Burbank Hospital A son to Mr. and Mrs. Leroy F. Floyd (Anne E.

Gilbert), North Common Road, Westminster. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence J. Leger (Ruth H.

Ward), 349 Summer St. A son to Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Rivard (Rose-Marie H.

Allain), 236 St. Joseph Ave. flying fish swim essons. 3.30-4.30--Junior Quadrille. 3.45-4.30 Lunenburg boys ym.

3.45-4.30 Lunenburg girls' wim. 4.30-5.15 Lurieaburg boys' wim. 4.30-5.15 Lunenburg girls' ym. Cleghorn Report cards were distributed at St. Joseph's School.

Parents' visiting night will be leld Wednesday, Feb. 17 from 6:30 to 8.30 p.m. The Catholic Youth Council of St. Joseph's parish will attend before the fact of taking an auto Our a adult the custody of the probation officer. Two boys, 11 and 10, each charged with two complaints of larceny, both to June 15; also under probationary supervision.

Jailer Witherspoon HOPKINSVILLE, Ky. Wl -Get in trobule in Hopkinsville and chances are you'll meet the Witherspoon sisters. Mrs. Mary Thomas Wither-; spoon Wilkins is the city jailer; her sister, Miss Sue Witherspoon. is the county jailer.

choir will hold a rehearsal at 7:30 p.m. in the upper church under the direction of'Miss Pauline J. Belliveau. The weekly rehearsal for the cast of the annual show sponsored by St. Joseph's School Assn.

will be held tonight at 8:30 at St. Joseph's School under the direction of Mrs. Robert G. Pelletier. Madonna of the Holy Rosary parish will hold its weekly whist party tonight at 8 in the church hall.

The public is invited and refreshments will be served. Fire, Ambulance Calls Deaths CHASE In this oily, Feb. 10, Stephen E. Chase, 76 Prlchnril 62 Funeral In the Bosk Funeral Home Friday at 2 p. m.

Burial In Forest Hill Cemetery, Calling hours In the funeral home arc Thursday from 3 to 4 and 7 to 8.30 p. Masonic service by C. W. Moore Lodge of Masons Thursday at 7:45 p. m.

DAVIES--In this city, Feb. 9, Fred L. Davlcs, 180 Lincoln 81. Funeral Thursday at 2 p.m. In the Sawyer Funeral Home.

Burial In Forest Hill Cemetery. There arc no calling hours. LO1SE1.I.E--In this city, Feb. 9. Ruby V.

(Cummlnfis) widow of Hector L. Loiscllc, 21 Longwood 62. Funeral Friday at 11 a.m. In the Bosk Funeral Home. Burial In Forest Hill Cemetery.

Calling hours In the funeral home Wednesday and Thursday from 7 to 8.30 p.m. USENIUS In this city, Fcl 8, Hllja (Pnsanon) widow of Adnlph Uscnlus, 14 Lovlsa HO. Funeral Friday at 2 m. in the Sawyer Funeral Home. Hill Cemetery.

the funeral home are Thursday from 3 to 4 and 7 to 9 p. Burial lu Forest Calling hours In CARD OF THANKS The family of the latt Mr. Nelson J. Cote wish to express their sincere a and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness, expressions of sym- lathv. spiritual bouquets, and for 'loral tributes the time of their bereavement.

Tuesday. Boiler 16 Morris St. 9.16 to 9.37 p. m. Overfilled steam boiler at home of John F.

Morley. No Service. Ladder 1, Lt. Harris P. Nikitas.

Today Ambulance Dora Caswell. 60, of 62 Pleasant St. 6.21 to 6.51 a. m. From above address to Burbank Hospital.

Sickness. Lt. Joseph C. Haverty. Society Notices THOMAS ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER 16 Thorndlke St.

Fltchburn, Mass. Wednesday evening, February 10, 1965, Regular Convocntion 7.30 p.m. Business reports Application! new business no work. Per Order John E. Staccy, E.H.P.

Attest Harry W. Dole, Sec. MT. ROULSTONE LODGE NO. 98 I.O.O.F.

Hcgular Meeting In Odd Fellows Hall, 4 Lelghton Thursday, Feb. ruary nth, at 8 p.m. Ray F. Hcwcs, Sec. CHARLES W.

MOORE-LODGE A. It A. Special Communication Friday, February 12, 1965,. 7.30 p.m. 16 Thorndlke Street.

Work: F.C. Degree. Collation All Master Masons cordially Invited. F. Pollock.

W.M. O. V. Armai Lalnc, See. YMCA Activities 2 5-Youth department.

2.45-3,30--Junior ym. high boys' 5.15-6.15 Girls' swim team ractice. 5.15-7 Men's Evening 6.15-7.15 Boy's swim team ractice. 6.30-Beta Gamma Tri-Hi-V lub. 7 Junior Leaders Club, 7.15-8 Alpha Tri-Hi-Y.

7.30 Duplicate bridge. 8-10 Women's volleyball. Men's Open swim. was awarded Mrs. Rose K.

Cormier of this city from Ovila J. Cormier of Fitchhury. They were married here Oct. HI, 1040, a have two charged x'ruel treatment. children.

She and. abusive WOHCESTEU A divorce from William It. Sullivan of Towrjsend was sought in I'robat Court here Tuesday by Beverly A. Sullivan of Lunen- I burg. Parents of a they Felix J.

Beaurcgard, Milton the Girl Scout room 81 Dover I'almi, Hubert J. Cormier, to map plans for the troop's liam liillingham and Pres. Armaud B. Uichard. A mothers meetiuj; of Cadetti attendance at the New York World's Fair in the spring.

Explorer Post IB will meet" Girl Scout Troop 728 of theitomorrow night at 7.30 in the South Fitehburg area will bej.Scout room at St. Francis School held tomorrow night at 7 to 81011 Sheridan St. located in greater Miami. seeks custody and support. In another case.

Mrs. Irene Robert G. Smith, acting president, presented certificates Kcan of 1'itchburg Wed a winners of previous contests, divorce petition against Edward previous Winners on open subject in the Class A division of colored slides Tuesday night were: 1, Edmund M. Allison for "The Old 2, llaymond J. Sarasin for "Hed and Mr.

Allison for "Tree in Shadow." Class winners were: Mr. Smith for "Pawlet, Miss Esther Evens for "Fog and 3, Richmond H. Pendlelon for "Sugarho.use, Vt." Black and white print winners were; 1, Charles D. Salmond for "Blacksmith" and Mr. Allison for "Motif No.

Judges for both con- Historical Soc. To View City Treasures Fitchburg Historical Society's February meeting to be held Monday afternoon at 2 will mark tests were Clifton Coulter of (he organization's final celebra- the General Electric Camera Uon of the bicentennial year. "The Treasure Meeting" being held a half-hour earlier Club, Mr. Salmond and Mrs. Gilbert K.

Woodbury. The next meeting of the club is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 23, when selected slides from the five clubs of the Wachusett Council will be shown and voted upon. No HereYef The Dollygram, a combination telegram and doll, a new service being offered by the Western Union, will not go into effect until Tuesday, Feb. 16.

Yesterday's article announcing the company's newest way of sending telegrams reported erroneously that the service became effective, Tuesday, Feb. 9. The new dolls-by-wire service will begin next week and J. Keane of the same city. The couple was married June 9, 1901, in Greenvillq, N.

and have one son. She also seeks custody and support orders. Groton Music Association PRESENTS---THE NEW ISRAEL STRING QUARTET SUNDAY, FEB. 1 4 8 p. m.

Groton School Groton, Mass. FOR TICKETS CALL DI 2-0264 iinliri bill worrill Cllh Immldl. I lllly ivallibU to homtownen to NOW MUCH DO YOU NEED? cofiiollditi your bllli liulo, fuini Monthly Paym'ti tare, taxej, Loan remodeling) Include Intcrcit bring 1st mortgage up to date. You Get and Principal than usual will take place in the society's building at 50 Grove St. Members will take for display a cherished article belonging either to them or their families and which has some Fitchburg connection.

Miss Theresa N. librarian, will show a ring set with a garnet which was dug out of the hill in back of the Garfield home at the top of Blossom St, by her father, the late John F. D. Garfield. The stone was made into three rings for his three daughters.

Mrs. Frederick Bauman will show a tiny replica of the familar fountain at the Upper Common. A songbook used by her parents at Ashburnbam St. School will be displayed by Miss Louise Sawyer. Miss Grace IV Woods will show a book con taining pictures of Whalom Par as it used to be with pine trees will offer a selection of four a deer ark and bears endearing dolls which can be I A Fitchburg RaUroad lanter sent by wire as novel gifts 1 be Mrs.

Edward P. Wolfe carrying the sender's sentiment embroidered on the front. The four dolls which will be available in another week will include a "Happy Birthday" doll, a "Congratulations" doll, a "Cheer-Up" doll and a "Have A Happy Day" doll. THURSDAY Morning 10-11--Women's Trimnastics. 10.45-11.15--Women's sauna.

11-12--Women's open swim. Afternoon swim. badminton, sauna. The divorce suit, of Mrs. Marie 1.30-2.45 --Senior, high open J.

Love of Leorriinster against Marshall J. Love, whereabouts Probate Court unknown, was taken under advisem*nt by Judge George E. Rice in Probate Court here this forenoon. They were married July 31, 1961 and have a son. She charged cruel and abusive treatment.

In other cases. Mrs. Nancy P. Griffith of Fitchburg was granted a divorce on grounds of cruel and abusive treatment from George H. Griffith of this city The couple was married Aug.

14, 1963, in Franklin. The will of Mrs. Olivine Mailhot of Fitchburg, who died last Wednesday, left $115 to St. An thony's Church, furniture and. clothing to a daughter, Mrs.

Eva Thibodeau of Nashua, N. and all else to her daughter and sons, Henry Napoleon and Arthur Leclair of Fitchburg. A.separate support decree ontribution to the meeting. Th antern has glass oil fount i whale oil was used. Ac ording to Mrs.

Wolfe, the Ian ern was in use around th 880's. Anouncement is also mad mt with the end of the bicen ennial year the society's built ng will be open only two after oons a week on Thursdays an undays from 2 to 4. South Fitchburg The South End National Clu' ll hold a Valentine dance Sal rday night at its clubroom, 1 larket for members an uests. Music will be provide Ray Lamothe and'his orches ra. Chairman in charge will rnest St.

Armand, assisted EVA REILLY'S BEAUTY SHOP 376 Water Shampoo and Finger $90 Hair Cut $1.00 Lorry Adliv Now At Eva Rillly'l DI J-442Z tlNEML IXTIRMINATION UIKUTlN TH! RITI WAT PEIT CONTROL CO. 2-2121 Janet Farineau It at 012-6335 116 River St. COAL-co*kE CANNEL COAL FOR FIREPLACES CALL J. H. HOLLAND 34 DUCK HILL ROAD KE 4-6646 HOLLAND PARKMAN FISKE 31 Middle Leominster THELMA ARGOFF Mttfkilly TmritM 113 Rrrir II.

1-11 HAIR REMOVED BY LATEST IMPROVED SHORT WAVE METHOD KIIULTJ NMONAL HRVrCI Fail CONSULTATION ly Card of Thanks I with to expren my fin- cere thanks and appreciation to all those who have voted for me and nominated me Checker Of The Year at Stop Shop. Gloria Rivard STORK DIAPER SERVICE 655 Water St. Fitchburg Diamond 3-7977 Gift Certificates Available FINN'S FISH Inc. Corner North and Green Sts. Ah Variettei FRESH and FROZEN SEAFOODS Live lobsters, clami, oysters in season.

Seafood Tel. DI 3-3034 FISH CHIPS SCALLOPS, SHRIMPS, CLAMS Orderi To Take Out Corner Water and Third Sts. Phone DI 5-4612 FURY'S KITCHEN NOTICE CHARLES PERI Your Income Tax Man Hai Moved To 19 MAIN STREET Sq.) STREET FLOOR Open A.M. to P.M. Call MS-Mffi OUR 25th YEAR Watch For "Dear Gerry" Starting Thursday FEDERAL and STATE INCOME TAX SERVICE A.


Leomlnster Tel. 534-8093 your taxcjj Loin rtmodolingl bring 1st mortgage up to date. Keduce monthly Protect Credit Standing. NU-WAY INSTALLMENT CO. Serving Thl Public Sine.

1924 FITCHBURG 342-5858 NOW MUCH Cash You Get 1600 3000 5000 DO YOU NEED? Monthly Paym'ti Include Intcrcit and Principal 33.63 63,06 105,09 THIS SAVE BUY 1 BROASTED CHICKEN DINNER FOR "7CC $1.29 AND GET THE SECOND ONE FOR 19 BANANA SPLIT 3 mounds of Dairy Queen, 1 fresh banana, 3 fresh fruit toppings, whipped cream and nuts FRIENDLY FARMS DAIRY QUEEN 804 NORTH MAIN LEOMINSTER Call Ahead KE 7-7426 YOUR GUIDE TO GOOD EATING BLACK LANTERN DINING ROOM Troy between troy Keene 352-4032 "Where it doesn't cost a fortune to dine out in style." WINTER HOURS 4 3 0 9 p.m. Sundays, 12-7 p.m. Closed Mondays Featuring Daily -ALL YOU CAN EAT! Roast Beef Famous Fried Chicken "Lantern" Pot Luck $2.35 $4.50 Chicken Shrimp Scallops COMPLETE DINNERS Try Our Famous Fr. Chicken a la Rancho 1.25 OTHER COMPLETE DINNERS $1.85 Club DINNERS $1.45 Home-Made Bread Corn Fritters Served At Each Meal FAMOUS BUFFET EVERY THURSDAY EVENING 2.55 OPEN THRU THE WINTER MONTHS Fine Candies and Ice Cream 685 Main Street Fitchburg Phone 343-3703 Valentine's Day is for Everyone Adored ones deserve KEEPSAKE diamonds Little Girls want Jewelry Boxes too Every Woman wants Perfume by HERB FARM Now is the time for that Amethyst Ring Time can be told by fashion Pendant Watches I. D.

Bracelets and Watchbands by SPIEDEL Newest with us is FANNY FARMER CANDIES Every Man loves ANSON Tie Tacs Say "I Love You" with Norcross and Rustcraft Valentine's Day Cards h. WILLIAMS JOHN FITCH PLAZA -John Fitch Highway Open Ercningc.

Fitchburg Sentinel from Fitchburg, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.