The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)

Tuesday, May 30, LakfMarion-Sumter 1ft 5 Vir- i 1 af' I fll 'Mwn I 4 Grmluatcs Of Eustis Pose ,4 Seniors Of Emits High School Kenneth Fischer, Barbara Dieter, Anne Hankins, Ellen Power, Anne Calvin, John Retey, Steve Hunter. Third row (from left to right), Fred Holloway. Jody Elizabeth Brooks, Emily Ferran, Barbara Brett, Linda Acuff, Thomas Langley, Richard Mullins and Ronald Whitford. Pictured are a group of Eustis High School seniors: Front row (from left to right), Michael Mabry, Reuben Walter O'Steen Lucille Wawrzycki, Carolyn Rob-ertts, Scarlet Ellis, Sue Davis, Barbara Givens, Mike Merry. Second row (from left to right), Wilburn C.

Denton, Seniors of Eustis High School include: aid Moore. Nancy Adams, Geraldine Sapp, Allan Reed, Front row (from left to right), David Osborne. Judy Robert Jenkins. Burchett, Lynda Cannon. Judith Thornburg.

Nancy Third row (from left to right), B. E. Pace Carrol Hauserman, Eleanor McKeon, Joyce Scranton, Chaun- Gatch, Richard Davis. Marjorie Wise, Glenda Driggers, cey Alyea. Dona Stiver, Robert Madden and Ronald Tuttle.

Second row (from left to right), James Hobbs, Ron- Lake County Red Cross Unit Holds Annual Dinner Meet V-N I 1 li certificate or instructor tary installations. certificate. Fourteen families applied! NURSING SERVICES, Guard Commander To Retire LEESBURG Capt. Ted Ostrander, Leesburg, commander of company of national guard here, announced yesterday he has resigned from the guard and will revert to the army reserve. Capt.

Ostrander sai dhe will retain his rank in the reserve, adding that the transfer will take effect on or about June 7. Succeeding Capt. Ostrander will be 1st Lt. Louis to the chapter for rehabilitation aid due to storm dam age. Total expenditures from Mrs.

H. F. Chapman and Mrs. Max Kessler, Leesburg: this comprises three National ARC disaster fund were $3,713, with local funds programs volunteer nurses adding more than $6,600 spent in Donna, March floods and the tornado of March 3. aides, nurse enrollment and home nursing.

Concentration has been on home nursing, in a co-operative effort with civil defense. Five Home 1 1 Demonstration club mem bers have been trained as in MOUNT DORA Lake County Chapter, American Red Cros, held its annual dinner meeting at the Community Bldg. May 25, with Maj. Gen. John K.

Rice, Clermont, former chapter chairman, substituting for chairman F. D. Colegrove, also of Clermont. More than 100 people attended, including members of the local Kiwanis Club whose president, George J. White conducted a 60-second business session, following the invocation given by the Rev.

Jimmy Jones, First Methodist Church. Yearly committee reports showed the chapter to be in sound financial condition as well as providing excellent services during Hurricane Donna and the tornado and flood period of 1960. HIGHLIGHTS of committee chairmen reports were as follows: Home Service, Henry L. Pringle, Leesburg: 242 families given some type of Red Cross home service, 35 of 1- a structors in home nursing and several classes have been conducted in various schools in the county. Eustis fltfft School Seniors Sixty-nine seniors will graduate from Eustis High garet Frances Palmer, Betty Back, Sue Treen, Rita Witt, School this year.

They are as follows: Jean Smith, Hal Orr. Front row (from left to right), Robert Hartman, Third row (from left to right). Harry Gaylord Bette Sue Frier, Marcia Lee, Sharon Watts, Joretta Sandra Britt, Sara Dudley Brown, Marie Givens, Joanne Dailey, Sandra McLeod, Edwin McKinney. Boyette and Harry R. Codding.

Second row (from left to right), Buddy Horner, Mar- Junior Red Cross, Mrs. Helen Huntington, chapter executive secretry: members worked through the night of Hurricane Donna, aided in purchasing materials for gowns at Harry-Anna Crippled Children's Home at Umatilla and helping in other needs there. They will make 100 favors for the Veterans Administration. Center, Dublin, and have made flags for the chapter and worked in two fund drives. FUND Campaign, Gen.

Gray Ladies, Mrs. Frank Muraro, Groveland, who will take over the company officially on June 7. Capt. Ostrander, employed with Lassister-Ware Insurance Co. of Leesburg, said he will miss the guard, but explained that he needs a rest.

THE POPULAR commander, who was awarded the Wright: 3,047 hours have been given to South Lake Memorial Hospital, Clermont, by 21 Gray Ladies this year, nine of whom will have completed six consecu bronz star with an oak leaf tive years of service, July cluster for heroic and meritorious achievement in Ger Construction Set For 22 New Homes 25. Total hours of service given by these volunteers John Rice: seven communities have completed their many during World War II 8 Delegates Represent Waterman EUSTIS Eight women in the Waterman Memorial since July 25, 1955 has reached 28,528 hours. 1961 campaigns with 100 pet. or more their quotas WATER SAFETY, D. M.

The firm is widely experi- reached Astatula, Astor-Astor Park, Clermont, Dona CLERMONT Construe-1 Pearce, Tavares: the Orlando Sentinel was highly wnom requested aid on enced in the construction of says he expects to become active in the reserve component. He has about W2 years service counting the regular army and national guard. He went into the army in 1942 and served in the European theatre with the 325th com- tion will start soon on Vista, Mount Dora, Paisley twenty-two new homes in more than one occasion. The largest number of cases in praised for its Swinr For Your Life campaign now un and Tavares. The chapter has currently raised $17,453 Woodlawn Subdivision, Lin any category consisted of Dunnellon CofC Holds Annual Fete DUNNELLON The Dun-nellon Chamber of Commerce held the annual dinner at Rainbow Springs Restaurant recently, at which time Pres.

Dan Fero gave the annual report. He listed 115 members including 69 businesses and 46 individuals, a new record for membership. He said advertisem*nts in national sports magazines resulted in around 360 inquiries on hunting and fish or 92 pet. of its quota der way. There are 36 auth orized water safety instruc verification of need emer gency leave in cases of ill $18,961.

First Aid, Ivan E. Beyers, tors in Lake County, andtat engineers of the 100th ness or death and reports to the military to be used as Leesburg: eight standard and two advanced first aid Hospital Auxiliary left yesterday morning for the seventh annual meeting of the east central district of the association of Florida Hospital Auxiliaries, being held in the Langford Hotel, Winter Park. Those attending were Mrs. Howard Dick, Mrs. James Codding, Mrs.

Glenn Brown, Mrs. Nellie Colley, Mrs. William Walter, Mrs. Howard coln Park, according to Max Judy of Keene Realty who handled the property transaction. The contractor and builder is Arko Enterprises, Incorporated, of Orlando.

Sumner Aronson is president of the corporation and Morris R. Kerr is courses have been conduct basis for leave decision. Second largest was assist ed during the year, with 183 ance in obtaining Govt bene persons receiving certifi during the summer of 1960, 625 adults and children were enrolled in water safety classes, 372 of whom received certificates in either beginner, intermediate, junior or senior life saving or instructor training. Sixty-tvr-5 pre-school tots in Leesburg are already enrolled in the fits for families of military cates in the former and 20 personnel or for veterans intantry division. He served in France and Germany.

HE JOINED the Leesburg national guard unit in 1949 as a sergeant and rose up through the ranks to captain. The new commander, Lt. Muraro, came into the guard as a private. He joined a unit at Gainesville while a student at the University of Florida. in the latter.

In addition, moderately priced homes. The company is now in the process of building 400 new homes in the Sanford-Or-lando area. THE LOCATION of the new homes is on property bounded on the south of Highland on the east by Scott on the north by Broome and on the west by Diston Ave. The cement block homes will have three and four bedrooms, one and two baths, living room, dining area, kitchen, carport, roomy closets, -covered entries, spacious interior storage, and tile floors. The walls are furred and the kitchen cabinets custom built with for Mrs.

Frank Wright, Cler 16 currently authorized first mont, was given a certifl aid instructors attended the Earl, Mrs. Eugene Barling" cate of appreciation for her instructor's course given by and Mrs. Robert Travers. These ladies were selected work in home service. She Robert Zubrod, NARC Flori Teaching Johnny to Swim had previously been granted first honorable mention in to attend during the pink da field representative.

program, based on the book by the same name. The chapter has staffed the Clara Barton Award for first aid stations for swim Vacation Bible School Plans Made GROVELAND Plans home service at the third meets, etc. and 11 first aid ladies regular monthly meeting held recently at the first state bank. Other business during the meeting concerned the new service of pink ladies acting There's a YAZOO annual ARC conference held at Jacksonville. DISASTER Prepared ing grounds and accommodations.

Four signs have been erected by the chamber on SR 200 between Ocala and Dun-nellon; U. S. 41 at Hernando; U. S. 41 at Williston; and U.

S. 27 at Williston. Cost was approximately $1450. The Welcome Party for newcomers were held in April with 115 in attendance, Joe Cobb as chairman. The Ocala Marion County o)0 ness.

Maj. Gen. Richard Marshall, Leesburg: 22 shel mica tops. Prices will run from as liaison between attending physician and recovery from regstered nurse and the fam i mm ily in the waiting room. This service is now in effect.

Pinkie Puppets were de ers are organized in a new mobile unit which has been approved by the national organization and holds the endorsem*nt of the Florida State Highway Patrol. Each first aider carries inspected and approved first aid equip ment in his car at all times and has indentifying stickers on the windshield. Their function is to render first aid at the scene of accidents, releasing the highway patro to route traffic until help arrives. Each must possess either an advanced first aid for every yard in '61 monstrated by Mrs. V.

Far- ren, chairman of the puppets ters were set up during hurricane Donna and utilized by 3,300 people. In addition, 5,930 meals were served and 300 volunteers worked throughout the night. In the week following, the chapter investigated and sent replies to 60 welfare inquiries from members of families in 20 states, the District of Columbia and six overseas mili Every child admitted as a patient will be given this plaything. THE THRIFT shoo is beins decorated and readied for Dusiness on tustis in the hospital building, it was reported by Mrs. Webb Loy BRAND-NEW 500 to $9,400.

and can be purchased with a very small down payment and moderate monthly payments, Judy said. Kenne Realty Co. is the local agent. Realty Firm Takes Lead CLERMONT South Lake Realty is in first place in the Alley Kats League of the Clermont Bowling Lanes' with eight wins and four losses, followed by Advance Electric, Willard Surveying, and the Availables, each holding seven wins and five losses. Willard Surveying rolled the high team series this week with 2945, while Rudy Bowen came in first in single high game and high individual series, with scores of 212 and 581 respectively.

Other 200 games went to D. Ellrodt (211), D. Gano (201), and J. Watson (210). have been completed for the First Baptist Church Vacation Bible School, which will begin June 12 at 8:30 a.m.

hours will be from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. each day through June 16. Serving on the faculty are: O. D. Moore, pastor; Mrs.

Howard Olson, principal, Mrs. Shaw Buck, secretary; Beverly Piercefield, pianist; a Moore, organist. Mrs. O. D.

Moore, superintendent of the Nursey Dept. with Mrs. Lois Holley and Mrs. Virginia Harville assisting. Mrs.

Lucille Smith, superintendent of the Beginners Dept. with Saundra Bowman, Mrs. Billie Varn-ado, Mrs. Marilyn Langley and Mrs. Marion Tyson as teachers.

Mrs. Cleveland O'Neal, superintendent of the Primary with helpers Mrs. Calvin Collins Mrs. Ray Burtoft, Mrs. Paul Bowman, Miss Rose Marie Parker.

Mrs. Roy Hart, superintendent of the Junior and assistants Mrs. John Arnold. Mrs. Vernon Canna-day, Mrs.

Jewel Ochinero, Miss Esther Carico, Mrs. Louie Muraro. Miss Jo Osborne heads the Intermediate Dept. with Mrs. Bruce Ogden, Mrs.

Ruby Hanks, and Mrs. Paul Mann helping. Mrs. J. L.

Adkinson, Mrs. Tom Bridges and Mrs. Robert Butler make up the refreshment committee. and Mrs. Tom Hannah.

Residents are requested to save clothing or other things which they can stock the shop with in the next two week. Anyone who has such articles are asked to contact Mrs. Loy or Mrs. Hannah. RUSSIANS GET VACCINE MOSCOW Soviet scientists plan to give 100 million polio vaccinations this year, the news agency Tass says.

The Soviet Union reports if. vaccinated 90 million persons hst year. Chamber of Commerce Directors met with the Dunnel-lon Directors at Rainbow Springs Restaurant with 35 in attendance, also in April. FERO STATED that 817 Inquiries have been received during the past year, coming from such places as Fairbanks, Alaska; Balboa, Canal Zone; Bolivia, South America. Information sought was varied.

Some 19,560 brochures on Dunnellon were mailed out. In concluding his report Fero made four suggestions for the new year: Closer relationship between business men, Posting of monthly meeting dates of the Chamber of Commerce Directors meeting, A new committee to take care of various situations at the airport, Support given to the Churches, Coun-cilmen. Civic organizations and the Chamber of Commerce to make Dunnellon a progressive town. James A. Sherrill served as master of ceremonies for the dinner, introducing Glenn Thomas, president of the Ocala Chamber, and Mrs.

Thomas; James Hughes, manager of the Ocala Chamber and Vernon Goin and W. E. DeVore, County Commissioners. EASY TERMS u. Un DA MERCURY METEOR KK) 2-Dr.

Sedan HEARING CORRECTION DELIVERED IN LEESBURG 1 DOWN OR OLD CAR 3 OF EQUAL VALUE PER MONTH PLUS INSURANCE UNoc.raio fTTta WITH A CIENTin. CLLV RISCRIHD "TONt MAtTIR" Cyoalats Tiny artts Custom Mada Aids Fit all in lar Mv a ComoMi Ttt with our nw Ocibo ttr HAS THE USER IN MIND SAFE, EASY OPERATION GLIDES SMOOTHLY WON'T BOG DOWN ir TURNS SHARPLY CUTS IN CLOSE (You con trim with it) NEW IMPROVED HEAVY DUTY SELF-PROPELLING UNITS 4-CYCLE ENCINES CLINTON AND WISCONSIN A SIZE FOR EVERY CUTTING JOB IS MODELS-EACH MODEL AVAILABLE IN PUSH OR SELF-PROPELLED FULTON GROVES U.S. 441 TAVARES ROAD Across From 'leesburg Airport Clinton authorised service stotion THREE FACTORY TRAINED SERVICE MEN Good used mowers at reasonable prices POWER MOWERS AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL AT REASONABLE RATE (Serving All Lake County) 4-H Club Program Set EUSTIS The 4-H Club will present a program here during the regular meeting of the Eustis Kiwanis Club at 12:15 p.m. tomorrow in the dining room of the Elks Club. GET TRADITIONAL MERCU8Y VALUE IN THE POPULAR PRICE RANGE 7 money-saving self -servicing features Big-car ride and luxury More rear-seat room than last year Wider doors, bigger trunk than last year Super-economy 6-cyIinder engineMercury's first vow ttvit lj abooa enrag Iwer am rt.B- I s' you' paymwH fc oca mmSi.

Dwm mat wy rtgfctly oetc o'i io if, pntirg polity ol owior. p. Brown I COMPLETE REPAIR AND BATTERY SERVICE SINGER lolei ond service HOBBS BOB RECKER For'9it American SPEEDOMETER Repair Srvk fratnelia Av. T-4JCJ (vttt COM! TO BROWN'S HARDWARE FO Hardware Hnihwth Paints Sporting floods WE HAVE IT! t. Oranoa lurtiS CENTRAL FLORIDA HEARING CENTER Ph.

TS7-227S SIS N. fvtf. Aereaa from Tradawinds Cafeteria LCUBURO. FLORIOA HERLOHG MOTOR 14th Sfreet at Sunshine Ave. rnurwMu iiir lUI'irMI1lr IIll.

Leesburg, Florida SEWING CENTER Eutfit EL 7-4368 i 6.

The Orlando Sentinel from Orlando, Florida (2024)
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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1997-12-23

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.